Some assurance would be great.

May 26, 2019
Hi I have have a broody bantam hen who is a sat on 10 eggs and a chick. She successfully hatched the first chick yesterday afternoon but the other eggs are still eggs . The other eggs are making noise but are not showing any signs of hatching yet. I'm hoping that they are just taking a little longer however I have lost chicks like this before.
Depending on the size of the eggs, and if they were all put under her at the same time, broodies instinctively stagger their hatches just a little, so they aren’t all hatching at the same time. They move the eggs around as they see fit. So I wouldn’t be too concerned with one or two more days, possibly even three. But she should start caring for all the ones that hatch by the second or third day.

And welcome to BYC!! Good luck to you and your broody!
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Is she still sitting on the eggs?

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