Some Duck poop/food/behavior questions


Dec 10, 2020
Hi everyone. I am writing a picture children’s book about farm animals and have been visiting many hobby farms and speaking with farmers here around the metro in Iowa. I want to make sure I am accurate, that is why I have been visiting farms. I haven’t had great success finding a nearby duck farm so hopeful some of you may be able to help.
1)Can you perhaps post a pic or describe normal duck poop?
2)I’ve read ducks tend to poop in water to help protect their nest from predators(so the predator doesn’t smell it) but it seems that isn’t the case for farming ducks. I say this cause some folks have told me their duck just goes wherever.
3)any behavior of your ducks interesting?
4) what do you personally call your group of ducks? Flock? Raft? Paddling(when on water)? 2 ducks alone - a “brace”?
5)have you heard of the group names above?
1)Can you perhaps post a pic or describe normal duck poop?
depends on what they eat and will be more watery when they drink a lot
2)I’ve read ducks tend to poop in water to help protect their nest from predators(so the predator doesn’t smell it) but it seems that isn’t the case for farming ducks. I say this cause some folks have told me their duck just goes wherever.
ducks can’t be potty trained so just go whenever
3)any behavior of your ducks interesting?
drakes pay more attention to everything then then hens, my boy who is with the girls will call them over then they’ll all run to me when they see something they think of as a threat. my other two boys are just with each other and seem to take turns watching out for danger when outside
4) what do you personally call your group of ducks? Flock? Raft? Paddling(when on water)?
5)have you heard of the group names above?
depends on what they eat and will be more watery when they drink a lot

ducks can’t be potty trained so just go whenever

drakes pay more attention to everything then then hens, my boy who is with the girls will call them over then they’ll all run to me when they see something they think of as a threat. my other two boys are just with each other and seem to take turns watching out for danger when outside


Thanks! Much appreciated

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