Some foods just go together.

Your mention of orange juice and milk made me think of one of my father's favorite "restaurant table" treats -- concoctions he throws together from the condiments the waitresses bring with the meals when we eat out. One of his favorites is to take the little half-and-half creamers, pour them into a cup and squeeze lemon into it. Then he slurps it up happily. Dessert.
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What's to be hiding under the chair for, with Cheerios and chocolate milk? It's a great combination!
Heck, I take the lazy way out and just buy Chocolate Cheerios and dump regular milk on 'em. Same result, but without the social stigma.

Cheerios and chocolate milk.

Smoked salmon and cream cheese on a bagel.
Nutella and graham crackers.
Bacon and mayo.
Peanut butter on graham crackers with caramel syrup drizzled on top.
Peanut butter and caramel syrup mixed together as a sauce for ice cream.
Your mention of orange juice and milk made me think of one of my father's favorite "restaurant table" treats -- concoctions he throws together from the condiments the waitresses bring with the meals when we eat out. One of his favorites is to take the little half-and-half creamers, pour them into a cup and squeeze lemon into it. Then he slurps it up happily. Dessert. :D


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