Some Of My Araucana Breeders For Next Year

So THAT'S what a mud bath will do for ya!

They are just beautiful!

They are beautiful.
My husband love the Araucanas.
He is also debating on Shamos and Malays LOL. I think I like his choice of Araucanas better
I am going to name her Mud Pie.
Silly pullet, I think she was trying to trick the marans pullets standing by her. Araucanas seem smart and somewhat sneaky.

I had a young cockerel decide I was a hen today, he was sure putting on a show. Then I grabbed him and was storking him and he just loved it. He was standing so tall, his two brothers practically stood there with their beaks open in shame since they ran off scared at first! Boys!

The girls are seperated from the boys right now. Probably why the girls look so pretty. They do look like jewels don't they? I have a younger black pullet not pictured who has tufts, small ones, but on both sides of her head.

I am looking forward to seeing how the boys develop and deciding on pairings for the spring. They are still growing in feathers.

I'll probably offer hatching eggs if they look good. FYI- I am open to swaps for eggs too!

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