I don't have pictures but I'll describe it to you.
For the last few months about 7 of my Leghorns and 1 Ameraucana are loosing their feathers. I thought is was molting but it's been about 3-4 months and one chicken's back is completely uncovered. The Ameraucana, Ella, is in the worst shape. You can see her wing bones and she looks awful skinny.
Is this molting, or is it cannabolism or some type of mite? Please help!
For the last few months about 7 of my Leghorns and 1 Ameraucana are loosing their feathers. I thought is was molting but it's been about 3-4 months and one chicken's back is completely uncovered. The Ameraucana, Ella, is in the worst shape. You can see her wing bones and she looks awful skinny.
Is this molting, or is it cannabolism or some type of mite? Please help!