Some pictures of my feed/waterer setup for my messy birds

They came thru.....give me a few minutes to format (resize) then upload and I'll post them in this post.

OK, these are all clickable thumbnails for those with a slow connection....

Duck Feeders/Waterer

Goose Waterer/Feeder

Turkey Waterer

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OMG isn't it great how creative you can get when you're in a rush and need to do something with what you have in the house! AWESOME! I like that root beer bottle...with the stuff in the water, your ducks really look like they're drinking root beer!

Good job!
Wow, those are GREAT ideas !

How come I'm not that creative when I need to be? LOL ... you did a nice job. Thanks for sharing these. I'm sure they will help a lot of folks!

Hey, didn't we ever talk about having a sticky food-waterer thread?

Or maybe info pages about certain things? This would be great to include there.
I know I'm going to add this thread to my BYC page because I may need it some day!

Thanks again!

Glad you liked it-hope it helps someone else with the messes! Should I not be giving the ducks root beer then...oh dear...
I forgot to add, if you use the red plastic waterer base with the galvanized chick feeder cover, you run into some issues finding a bottle to fit-it has to have a long narrow neck. I found a pine sol bottle fits perfect. If you want a gallon size waterer, you can use a hawaiian punch jug, but you need to extend the spout. I cut the top off of a 2 liter pop bottle and hot glued it to the the existing spout. That made it long enough to reach the waterer's "lip" so it wouldn't overflow. Thought I would share that since I think I bought 20 different liquid items at Dollar General trying to find a jug that would work!
LOL on buying liquid things to find a fit ...

I wondered how you did that. I thought you must have found a waterer I hadn't seen before.

Good job!


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