Some questions about silkie chicks.....


8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
Fredonia PA
Been looking for 2 years for silkies! I finally found some at TSC about 3 weeks I came home with 6 little fuzzy cuties!

Now What the Heck happend? ewww lol, I still love them:)

So anyway my questions...... Is this normal? Are these definately silkies? Also the lady at tsc said they would probably be white but, they look buff to me, am I right?
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Ewww is right, yes these are silkies! Good news is this stage, the "OMG why did I choose a Silkie stage- so ugly" only lasts a few weeks (mine just came out of it) and then they are tiny versions of the fluffballs that we love to look at! They look like whites to me.... sometimes as chicks they look a bit yellowy/tan/gray around the edges but after this funky looking period the white fluff will come through in full force. Congrats on your babies!
I lucked up and got the same.... only I had 1 misfit. He looks identical to the silkies. 5 toes, same color, same size except not black skinned. At first i thought I found a lil freak, but I believe Faverolles look nearly identical to silkies as chicks.
My white Silkie is 4 weeks old and looks the same! So ugly! I was thinking maybe they accidentally gave me some sort of mixed breed. Glad I'm not the only one! Haha

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