Some red plye OEGB questions

miss heny

BYC Cryptid
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jan 30, 2010
Louisville, Mississippi
While I currently have a pair, I am wanting to add some more hens in the future. However it seems like red pyle a harder colour to find and I understand that some breeders dont wanna sell just hens so I am wondering what are alternative colours I could go with. I know the base for Red Pyle is BBR with Dom white, so could BBR hens be fine? I know in theory it'll be 50/50 on colour and I'll have to focus on breeding out any black leakage. They are more a small passion project with my health.

Also yes, I'm semi back if anyone recognizes me I promise this account wasn't hack haha.
Yes get BBRs.
You're first cross will produce all offspring that will only carry one copy of dominate white. Crossing back to RP will give you about 50% correct RPs.
You could also cross the first round offspring for 25% RPs.
Yes get BBRs.
You're first cross will produce all offspring that will only carry one copy of dominate white. Crossing back to RP will give you about 50% correct RPs.
You could also cross the first round offspring for 25% RPs.
Alright perfect. I hope to get RP hens when the time comes (too hot for me to feel comfortable on shipping birds) but I'm getting a backup option if I can't find any.

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