Someone dropped a box of 17 chickens at the end of our driveway... Hayes, VA

People are such jerks sometimes. I used to work at a pet shop, and we had a kitten dropped in our dumpster, a box with mom cat and 5 newborns left by the back door, and a dog tied to the front door during the night. My brother was a delivery driver, and he found several boxes of kittens left to fend for themselves on backroads. Ugh! Lucky chickens to land by a caring home.
People are such jerks sometimes. I used to work at a pet shop, and we had a kitten dropped in our dumpster, a box with mom cat and 5 newborns left by the back door, and a dog tied to the front door during the night. My brother was a delivery driver, and he found several boxes of kittens left to fend for themselves on backroads. Ugh! Lucky chickens to land by a caring home.
It’s a common thing at vet clinics too.

I can’t help but cringe at the “wish this would happen to me” comments. I understand what is intended, but dumping any animal is a messed up thing to do and I hope no one actually believes in encouraging that behavior.
Speaking of kittens, we just rescued a momma stay and 3 kittens yesterday lol. So now we have 8 cats and 38 chickens haha. The cats are mostly afraid of the birds
You have a kind heart, thank you for rescuing!

And yes, roosters can be quite peaceful with each other in their own isolated flock with no hens. No competition means minimal fighting. I believe they have to be out of sight of the hens for it to properly work though; I’ve never personally done it.

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