Someone gave me new chickens, what are they?



Here is a pic of my little show cockeral, Hanibal, and the Booty Girls
They are just the sweetest chickens you could ever own and yes, very broody in nature. They make wonderful mothers and excellent pets! How lucky that you were given yours
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I agree with the color and the breed but not the gender. I am going to go against the grain and say they are all girls. None of them really have roo-ish characteristics. The combs are small and bright red so they are probably older. The neck feathers are pointed and glossy because if you ever notice on alot of hens, they have pointy and sometimes glossy neck feathers.
Ok well this morning, i woke up to this...

the only ones in the pen are my 2 ducks, male and female, and my barred cochin roo, and then the two chickens in the picture together.....

Where did these eggs come from?!?! Guess i could check their vents???
Thank you! and like i just posted.... i had 2 eggs today from the pen my 2 pictured together where in!!! my goodness!!

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