someone HELP!!! swolen eyes! contagious! killing babies!!

that was another one of our suspects, if it is I suppose i need to 'cull' them....which i know i can't do! :thun any ideas about the rest of the chickens??? some wise old man
(he wasn't that old i've just never used that one!) told me 1cc of bio-mycin will kill 'em or cure 'em and i can deal with that,at least sorta.
Does she have the fowl smelling odor coming from the nose or any of the other symptoms above? Or is it just the swelling. Try the eye ointment if you can.
I am glad there is no odor or wheezing. Mine didn't have any other symptoms either. It was just the swollen eyes. Terramycin eye ointment worked great.
If you have a vet to work with- I would suggest picking the sickest, or the one you can part with the easiest emotionally- and have them send the bird (deceased) to the state lab. Or do this yourself via a local poultry extension agent- most counties have them. Have your vet call the state vet if they do not know where to send the bird. This sounds harsh, but it is the easiest and least costly (the cost is the shipping) way to find out what disease is doing this to your flock. Better than giving random antibiotics or homeopathics, when you do not even know if you have a bacteria, virus, fungal or parasite problem. Jess

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