SOMEONE is killing my hens

It is horrible you had to go through this!!! I wish you would have had a camera set out so you could have caught the murderer.
Since this post I've had 3 more chickens with broken necks. None with any wounds that I could find or blood anywhere. Two were found in the coop again, side by side roosting on eggs. And one was sitting in the middle of the run. That was when we decided to padlock or coop. Since putting the padlock on the coop we have not had a single incident.
If nothing else I feel that the issue is resolved because my chicken's are no longer dying. Whomever or whatever it was cannot kill through a locked gate. Good enough for me. I have my solution.

How long since you started with the padlock... if it is this kid, he might move on to do worse... I would still be very wary. And I would call the cops too. If nothing else to get it on record that something /someone has been doing this.... the kid is frustrated by the padlock, but that doesn't mean he won't do worse when he gets an opportunity. I wish you well with this. It is a scary situation. If it is this kid, he is a budding psycho.... I don't mean to be alarmist, but his beef is likely not with your chickens, but with you.... these kind of things don't usually just stop on their own without some kind of intervention.... I would call the police. You don't have to prove anything. Just make a report. Get their input....
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This is sickening. Please tell me you filed a report..... This is not normal behavior for a teen, if your suspicions are correct. He may soon graduate to larger animals, even humans. Please proceed with caution. Stay vigilant and make sure the house is locked at all times. I would still try a game camera, I'm sure the perpetrator will return, even if it is to a locked coop. Stay safe! :hugs


ETA my sign off.
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This is sickening. Please tell me you filed a report..... This is not normal behavior for a teen, if your suspicions are correct. He may soon graduate to larger animals, even humans. Please proceed with caution. Stay vigilant and make sure the house is locked at all times. I would still try a game camera, I'm sure the perpetrator will return, even if it is to a locked coop. Stay safe!


ETA my sign off.
I am so sorry to hear about all this. That boy really does have some issues. I really wish you were able to get some pictures or fingerprints or anything that proved he was on your property. Otherwise, he may not be able to be proved as the one responsible for killing your birds. Even though everything points to him as the culprit, there is no way of knowing for sure.
I am so sorry to hear about all this. That boy really does have some issues. I really wish you were able to get some pictures or fingerprints or anything that proved he was on your property. Otherwise, he may not be able to be proved as the one responsible for killing your birds. Even though everything points to him as the culprit, there is no way of knowing for sure. 

Exactly. We have no idea if it was actually the boy. If it was... I just truly hope it isn't. The way the chickens were killed causes me to believe that the child has RAD, as signs may include animal abuse or killing. With counseling and proper help from parents, RAD can be treated quite effectively. I am very worried for your safety in the brutal manner in which these birds were killed. Please consult your local police department. Many police officers will be willing to help. Sometimes they get a bad rap these days, but all-in-all, they're there for our safety. Please take appropriate measures and once again, stay safe! :hugs

Do you have relatives which hunt? Often they will have a trail camera which they mount in a tree to take pics or videos of game. or contact your local sportsman's club and see if someone there will loan you one. You can mount it up on building or tree where hopefully no one will see it. I know you will feel better if you can just get a pic of the invader.
Do you have relatives which hunt? Often they will have a trail camera which they mount in a tree to take pics or videos of game. or contact your local sportsman's club and see if someone there will loan you one. You can mount it up on  building or tree where  hopefully no one will see it. I know you will feel better if you can just get a pic of the invader.

I own a game cam, though I do not hunt, which is very good quality and was relatively inexpensive. It takes color footage, either video for thirty to sixty seconds, or photos. It is heat and motion triggered, dark colored, and takes night footage. It seems perfect for the situation. You may be able to rent one somewhere, or do as the above quoted poster mentioned. Good luck! :)

I own a game cam, though I do not hunt, which is very good quality and was relatively inexpensive. It takes color footage, either video for thirty to sixty seconds, or photos. It is heat and motion triggered, dark colored, and takes night footage. It seems perfect for the situation. You may be able to rent one somewhere, or do as the above quoted poster mentioned. Good luck!

sounds like a good camera!
(in the Keystone State but my heart belongs to the Golden State)
If you are not experience with game cameras and you decide to get one in this situation make sure you get one with infra red "flash". Many of the cheaper ones have a regular camera flash, it will not frighten an animal but if a person sees it flash they are going to steal your camera. The only ones I own I use for deer and they flash and it never bothers the animal. If a trespasser walks by they will either destroy it or steal it.

Just FYI

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