Someone keeps making complaints about my chickens! (Update post #222!)

Has anything else happened here?
Anyone still out there? The anonymous person has randomly filed another complaint! Got a visit from the code enforcer today but didn't answer the door. He left his card saying to call, and a copy of the ordinance about fowl going at large.
DH called but he didn't answer so DH left a message. I guess we'll see what the guy says when he calls back..

Here are my two coops:



Nothing is loose, except my two pekins but they are in my fenced yard and obviously can't fly.
Sorry for your neighbor troubles. I have been reading this thread and I can't stop laughing about them calling your ducks "swans" !!
I think I would harness a couple of birds and take them for a walk around the neighborhood.
Unreal. Will some people never mind their own business?

Your coops look great and it is plain as day that your "fowl are not at large".

I was so hoping that all had turned out good for you, and that your troubles were over.

Hang in there. You had gotten a lot of advice the last go 'round, you may need to use some of it this time.

I'm sorry but I haven't read your thread all of the way through.

Is it possible that someone else's chickens are wandering around? We had animal control out here because of a chocolate lab that was barking. They identified us because we have three labs - all yellow but no one seemed to notice since they were, after all, labs. I just looked at her and said, "Our labs are not even remotely 'chocolate'". She didn't come back.

Recently our next door neighbor who loves our birds and even asked if our turkeys could hang out on their property because they think they're pretty called to tell us that three black and red chickens were running around a church half a mile down the road. We don't nor have ever owned black and red chickens. But we have chickens. So, I guess there you go!

People who don't own animals just don't pay attention. You might think about asking the inspection people to prove that your chickens are the ones running around. Pictures of them on someone else's property should do the trick. That's all I had to do to show that someone else's dog was on our land (attacking our dogs, no less).

Honestly, I don't see why you should have to put up with this crap unless there is some kind of evidence.
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Why don't you take her a dozen eggs and find out what her concerns are. Sometimes you win more flies with honey.

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