Someone please HELP!!!!!!!

Kaytee is what my vet has me use. The carb bit I quoted is something I read a long time ago, but didn't give it much thought until today. From what little I understand, getting them hydrated *first* is most important, which I think you've done, right? Yesterday she wasn't pooping, but now she is. I have infant applesauce, but I haven't used it, even when I've treated slow crops. With mine, the fluids/fluids and Kaytee were enough to flush the crops. A few exceptions... while their crops did eventually clear, they did die, and the necropsies revealed tumors that were obstructing the intestines of two and the third had an egg that was stuck and had grown into a nasty 1 pound mass (have pictures of that), so nothing could have saved them.


Correct....she wasn't pooping then I started to tube with the water and it reduced the size of her crop for sure. She's been getting fluids for almost 24 hrs now so she should be hydrated. I will have to get some kaytee. When I do that do I give her the kaytee only? Meaning will she get enough water through the food?
This is a what I have done:
40-60 ml fluids, wait a couple of hours, then 40-60 fluids/baby bird food. Wait for baby bird food to mostly clear, give another 40-60ml fluids, wait another couple of hours and baby bird food again. Play around with it, it's part science, part art.

This is a what I have done:
40-60 ml fluids, wait a couple of hours, then 40-60 fluids/baby bird food. Wait for baby bird food to mostly clear, give another 40-60ml fluids, wait another couple of hours and baby bird food again. Play around with it, it's part science, part art.


Ok sounds good. I gave her fluids probably an hour ago so I will do a feeding (baby food) around 9 or so. Again, Thank you for all your help.
I'm having the same problem with one of my hens I notice two weeks ago that she hasn't been laying all of a sudden she is lethargic and her comb was flopped to one side (like completely flopped over, she's a RSL) I treated her as if she was egg bound (liquid calcium and a warm bath) since then she still hadn't layed but if she was egg bound she would have died by now. She has perked up a little in the past few days but I've decided to leave her to her own devices since I don't know whats wrong with her. Keep an eye on your other birds just in case they start acting the same.
I'm having the same problem with one of my hens I notice two weeks ago that she hasn't been laying all of a sudden she is lethargic and her comb was flopped to one side (like completely flopped over, she's a RSL) I treated her as if she was egg bound (liquid calcium and a warm bath) since then she still hadn't layed but if she was egg bound she would have died by now. She has perked up a little in the past few days but I've decided to leave her to her own devices since I don't know whats wrong with her. Keep an eye on your other birds just in case they start acting the same.
I mean this in the nicest possible way, really, I do, but that statement is so *not* true! Hens can and do linger for many months with a stuck egg. The time it's true is when they can't poop. Can't poop = dead bird unless treated ASAP. Have pictures and can point you to threads that prove this if you're interested.


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