Something for the chicks to play with?

Yeah I'm all about giving them stuff out of the yard to help build their immunity. This might be a dumb question, but if I start giving them things from the yard that they might eat, should I start offering them a little chick grit too?
Yes, anything that isn't their feed needs grit to help them grind it up for digestion. Well, other than soft stuff like yoghurt or scrambled egg.... But mealworms, definitely. Or peas, or bits of shredded cabbage or carrots, or grass clippings.

I just use construction sand - a 50# bag from Lowe's is pretty cheap and you can use it for other things in the yard. (Like a dust bath in a plastic kitchen tub, in the coop, during rainy weather.) Not play sand, it's too fine. All purpose or "consruction" sand with little bits of granite and pebbles in it.

Just put some in a small plastic container with short sides. They'll eat it AND play in it.
My chicks ADORE a nice rough-textured chunk of tree branch, the more lichens and bark, the better! It's so cute to see them foraging in the cracks of the wood. And I always pick one with a curved part so they can perch and jump on and off of it.

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