Something is wrong with my chick’s neck


Dec 7, 2021
What’s happened so far:

I recently brought a chick to the vet along with a friend for company.

The vet said that I don’t need to worry about the companion chick at all, as he’s extremely alert and active. (I made sure I asked because he’s smaller than the other three that haven’t been weighed)

The more concerning chick has painkillers, antibiotics, and a scrub with ointment for some sores on her feet. The vet said that it’s likely rickets or a type of yolk infection that presents very similarly to rickets. She perked up quite a bit after having the painkillers and has been gaining weight. 56g to 72g in four days! The little roo went from 83g to 110g, show off!

She does the sweetest little hops while flapping her wings now that she’s feeling a bit better, I love her so much 🥰

I have been giving them both some scrambled egg and finely chopped oats mixed with some of their food and a drop or two of cod liver oil.

The issue now:

Now that the little one has been doing a bit better I’ve noticed something else. Her head is cocked to the side a bit, always the same side, and I’ve never seen her tilt it the other way or stretch out her neck. When stretching or flapping she also doesn’t extend her wings out as far as the other chick, although she does stretch farther than before she had meds.

She’s still eating and drinking just fine, the two chicks both gain about 4g from when they wake up to noon so I think they’re eating about the same amount.

When I searched online for neck issues, I found a lot of information about Wry Neck but not much else. Any ideas on what could be going on here?

Maria is the young suspected rooster with no issues and Asta is the one on medication. They’ll both be three weeks on Jan 7.

Jan 2 evening
Maria 83g
Asta 56g

Jan 3
Vet visit
Forgot to weigh

Jan 4 noon
Maria 91g
Asta 59g

Jan 5 9:00am waking up
Maria 93g
Asta 62g
Noon after eating
Maria 97g
Asta 66g

Jan 6 evening
Maria 110g
Asta 72g


Previous thread:
Hmmm, since you've learned about wry neck, is there anything that makes you think it isn't?
I’m no expert, and a lot matches, but my chick isn’t really having an issue eating and drinking as far as I can tell. The wings not quite seeming to work as well as possible rickets diagnosis has me worried that it could be a bone issue.

It also looks like cod liver oil is a good treatment for both rickets and wry neck so I’ve got those bases covered as long as I have the dosage right (15ml oil:1kg feed/3.8ml oil:125g feed).

I mostly just want to hear people’s ideas and other things it could be so that I can research everything I can.

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