Something is wrong with my New Hampshire

I recently dealt with sour crop with a rooster which evolved into a yeast infection. You could see the very small white splotches inside his mouth and the esophagus opening.
Miconazole for 7 days cleared the white splotches in his mouth and esophagus opening. However I suspected the yeast infection was in his crop and possibly further on down.

Also, there was mucus in his mouth and he gurgled on occasion and stopped crowing.
I had ordered Fluconazole at the start of the Miconazole treatment and the Fluconazole didnt help at all.

I ordered Acidified Copper Sulfate and treated him for 10 days and it cleared up everything. I then waited a few days and followed up with 3 days of Epsom Salts treatment. Then a heavy treatment of ProBios in his feed.
He was back to normal after the start of the Epsom Salts treatment and crowing his fool head off, and still is.
Hey there old friend, hope all is well! I have rarely seen Acidified Copper Sulfate mentioned for sour crop on here and I got that advice so many years back from Carla (Allen Wranch). If I have a case that seems dire, I do use mine. Can't hurt, might help. It is used to kill algae in drinking lines. The oldsters on BYC sometimes know stuff, LOL.

My hen is doing good today, she is bright eyed and loving the heat from the lamp. Still very sluggish and not that interested in moving around, but looking better. I got the miconazole, sliced it into thirds, and gave her a third of it little piece by little piece. She didn't really mind it being plopped into her crop, and I didn't see any white spots either. Her crop still feels like a water balloon, and her poops are sludgy and white/green.
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She's doing a lot better today, her crop is still mushy, but much less than before!
Yesterday I took her out of the crate to enjoy the sun for a little while, and she was moving around and scratching. Big improvements already!
It's amazing how much a little rest and miconozole worked in just a couple of days!

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