Something really weird is happening


11 Years
Sep 30, 2008
I went out to let the pullets out this morning. I start out by opening the people door and walking in. The coop is divided to where there is a little room as soon as you walk into the building. I have chicken wire dividing the the tack room from them. Anyway, as soon as I walked in I could see that they were all terrified. Normally, they hear my approach and you can hear them jumping off of the roosting limbs and running to the pop door. They watch me get their feeders and I walk back outside. They know I am going to open the pop door at this point. Not this time, they were all huddled in the corner just about beating each other up trying to get to the fartherest part of that corner.

I let them out. They normally come running out in search of their freedom and their feeders. This morning they were real tenative about sticking their head out the door..

Any ideas?

Mike D
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Trust them. You might take a second look around, maybe even check for tracks.

We had an owl take a songbird the other night right next to my bantam coop. I am sure my little ones heard the commotion outside. . .
Definitely a predator of some sort, either outside or INside the coop. Check around, and GOOD LUCK finding the intruder!!
If possible-try to go out tomorrow earlier than you did today-if it's a certain pattern that the possible predator takes than it's probably going to be around the same time-you might be able to see it (or shoot it or smash it with a shovel) If you're home today than keep checking on them. I'd be spooked and prepare myself to go to bat for them. Good luck!!
Chickens not running out to eat, man something had them spooked. I hope you figure out what it is real soon. We have had to kill two foxes in the last couple of months but I lost several hens sitting on biddies at night before we got them. Some of my birds free range, the ones I can't catch anyway.

Is your coop close enough that you could use baby monitors to listen in and hear whats going on or a carera. Then you might have a chance to catch whatever has them scared. Good luck, I know how scared my babies were when Mr. and Mrs. fox showed up. Let us know if you figure out the mystery.
What is the flour for? Track marks
School me Jim

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