Something you wish had been invented in chicken keeping.

I got hooked on vans when I had big dogs and did a lot of building...on my 3rd and likely last vehicle, a van I don't really need.

I really don't know how people manage without a pickup, an SUV, or a van either in the direct family or available from a close relative or friend. DH and I were discussing the state of the current vehicles and I said that I was perfectly content with the idea of a 2-vehicle family having a pickup and an SUV if we can afford the purchase.

Funny thing is,

Due to side effects of my 3 information processing disorders I don't drive.
I really don't know how people manage without a pickup, an SUV, or a van either in the direct family or available from a close relative or friend. DH and I were discussing the state of the current vehicles and I said that I was perfectly content with the idea of a 2-vehicle family having a pickup and an SUV if we can afford the purchase.

Funny thing is,

Due to side effects of my 3 information processing disorders I don't drive.
My SO just bought me a Jeep Liberty. Still need to get it plated and all that jazz but I'm pretty excited about it. I was having to put chicken feed bags in the backseat of my Saturn Ion because they dont fit in the trunk. Usually we take the truck but if I'm out running errands I will pick up feed. He takes the truck to work alot though so Ive been stuck in my tiny car
I got hooked on vans when I had big dogs and did a lot of building...on my 3rd and likely last vehicle, a van I don't really need.

Currently have a big dog (not huge, approx 95 lb Anatolian) and previously had a dog the same size, and the obvious downside is it's rather difficult to get the dog to the vet. Sure I could swap cars with hubby but he hates squishing himself into my car, nevermind driving it.

I really don't know how people manage without a pickup, an SUV, or a van either in the direct family or available from a close relative or friend.

We resort to borrowing an SUV if needed. I tried talking hubby into getting a junky pickup just for hauling stuff, but honestly we don't really NEED it that much. Generally I opt to pay for delivery of big/bulky items so might only need a bigger vehicle once a year if that.
I have to do do all the one else.
I do most of the work: cleaning, building, checking parasites, etc. But not all. My DH is a great help if 2 persons are required. And he is quit good in setting te chickens free (not always convenient). He just loves to see the chickens in the great wild world. He also loves to cook and eat the tiny eggs.
We all have something we wish was invented to make chicken keeping better, and I was wondering what yours were. I have to clean the shavings in my coop with a broom and a tub, sweeping out all the shavings. I then have to scrub the floor on my hands and knees, all because my family won't let me get a pitchfork! What are yours, I'm interested to find out!

Do you have any money of your own? I'd just go buy one.
I do not☺ its fine though, I'm going to try and find little kid stuff to clean with, plus, there is a legend that my grandma has one in her garage somewhere....

BTW this thread isn't about pichforks, and why I can't get one, just wanted to hear what you guys wanted. Any pitchfork comments are funny and accepted though.
I just have to make fun of myself here... No way Lisa Steele actually did research for that post. Here is the "study"

I promise, its short.
I didn't now that storing fertilized eggs in the fridge reduces the number of cockerels a bit. I will certainly do so to influence the outcome next time. :fl this is a good research. Thanks for sharing.
I don't think it does, the tried it one time in 2016! Haven't reported back since. And they only did it one time! I still want to try it, I'm going to be one of those strong women being discussed, and do it my self someday!

(Actually, I'm pretty strong physically, so I have had my fair share of fights.)

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