Something you wish had been invented in chicken keeping.

We all have something we wish was invented to make chicken keeping better, and I was wondering what yours were. I have to clean the shavings in my coop with a broom and a tub, sweeping out all the shavings. I then have to scrub the floor on my hands and knees, all because my family won't let me get a pitchfork! What are yours, I'm interested to find out!
Removable coop floor! Like a huge slide-out tray for a floor! Then cleaning would be almost as easy as cleaning a bird cage! Just slide out the floor, spray it clean, and put it back! (Then again, I also often wonder why I don't figure up a system to just line the floor.
I swear, liners are a way to go! I used to use bedding in my brooder, and after a while, moisture and odor clung to the brooder even after cleaning. I started using liners at the bottom and putting bedding on top- the liner absorbs the moisture and there is no odor.
We all have something we wish was invented to make chicken keeping better, and I was wondering what yours were. I have to clean the shavings in my coop with a broom and a tub, sweeping out all the shavings. I then have to scrub the floor on my hands and knees, all because my family won't let me get a pitchfork! What are yours, I'm interested to find out!
What about a brand new Chicken Mess Vacuum! It vacuums up the poop, shavings, and even hay! (Also chicks! :celebrate) It even has a setting that will sand the floors to remove sticky gunk. Also has no cord and is chargeable. Buy it now!
Jk, none exist. It would be cool to have one.
I know, we were putting her to bed, when I noticed her head was soaked with blood, I wish I had a pic, you can kinda see it in this one, but it was clean and had time to heal.

Edit:she is the one not spazing out.

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