Something you wish had been invented in chicken keeping.

A rat trap that works extremely well. I have an issue with rats, and I despise them. We have set numerous traps, and all we seem to catch are really big mice, or baby rats, not sure which. Or rat repellent. I dont like to put poison out, because I'm scared something will get into it that shouldn't. Sigh.
Cats, they are big and fluffy, we had one When I was little and I used to chase him and bite and pull his tail, and he did nothing, best cat ever.
Here’s my Maine Coon. They’re easy to train, too. He knows more commands than our dog. :lau He’s “helping” me sort the socks FF880226-D0FB-444D-9654-1B2F5AC4D01D.jpeg
Has anyone mentioned solar lighting?

I wish there was a solar lighting set that came with a timer. Just a small string like the ones for running around the deck, but you can set a permanent timer that goes on and off everyday by itself. To accomplish a simple task that I could plug a simple gadget that’s been around for decades into a normal socket and get reliable light timing, but solar, it would be so expensive.

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