Sometimes I wish I had a CPAP machine


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I mean not really, cuz they are a pain to deal with every night, but just sometimes....
DH and I went to bed @ 4 AM this morning; him with his CPAP and oxygen machine on. Jax woke me up at 8:30 this morning. He didn't want to go out, he just wanted to play with baby brother.
I've dealt with the chaos that is getting all the critters fed, gathering all the supplies for going to let the chickens out, taking both dogs in and out, in and out and the cats knocking over a whole end table full of stuff during play. Not to mention the phone ringing off the hook.
So here I am wishing I could go back to bed and DH is still blissfully asleep, with the CPAP machine humming. A tornado could hit this house and he wouldn't know about it.
OK gritsar, I am calling the eyedoctor......I thought your post read CRAP I am reading and thinking that yeah, it must be a pain to deal with every night, what does it have to do with oxygen, and WHY would a crap machine hum???????
It's just the opposite here. I have the CPAP machine, wake up about 5 A.M. or earlier, make the coffee and feed the dogs, let the dogs out and give them their treats when they come in. Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, Anne's slumbering until about 7:30-8:00, gets up eventually, and takes forever primping in the bathroom, something I cannot do because the dogs hound me to feed them the minute my feet touch the floor.
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LOL! I thought the same exact thing. I was wondering what in the world a crap machine might be, while also thinking "Hey! I might need one of those!".

You are just a bright spot in my day gritsar! I always hone in on your posts just to see what witty, wonderful wisdom you have to impart!!!
I simply want to know if I get one will it keep the lovely husband from waking me at 5:00 a.m. for breakfast????????

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