Sometimes You Just Hate Yourself!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Upstate, SC
I had a good egg collection yesterday. 14 eggs!
I had only 8 the day before.

Anyway, I was in the pocess of sortting them and putting them in cartons last night when I knocked the WHOLE COLLECTION in the floor of the kitchen!

Everyone broke! What a mess! So it's clean up time.... and while cleaning up the slimy mess I had to move the fridge cause some of the mess went under it and the last thing I want is my kitchen to smell like rotten eggs. And to add injury to insult, I smashed my middle finger between the fridge and the wall while moving it!

My poor hens worked hard all day yesterday for me and what do I have to show for it! Walking around with a left middle finger in a split (darn hard to type I'll say) looking like I'm ready to "filp" everyone off

Geesh! All I can say is that it was MONDAY all day yesterday!
I know what you mean! I've broke eggs before, and it kinda makes you feel like you've just done something aweful in regards to the chickens. Just remember, it was an accident!
OMG!!! That's just terrible! I'm sitting here imagining what you went through and feel just awful for you, I'm almost crying

I hope something great happens to you today and that you heal up quickly.
I have done it as well, luckily I have 5 eager vacuum cleaners always willing to clean up any spills from the floor.
You'll hate yourself when you do this one too....You go out to the coop, grab a few eggs, put them in your pocket, and proceed to putter around the coop. There are always little chicken chores to do, so you decide to fill up the feeders, clean the water dish, pick up something, which is when you hear the cracking and feel the yolk oozing down your leg.....

I think all of us have broken eggs at some point, and felt horrible. The eggs in the pocket one is pretty common too. As mess and guilt all in one...

Sorry about your eggs.
mom'sfolly :

You'll hate yourself when you do this one too....You go out to the coop, grab a few eggs, put them in your pocket, and proceed to putter around the coop. There are always little chicken chores to do, so you decide to fill up the feeders, clean the water dish, pick up something, which is when you hear the cracking and feel the yolk oozing down your leg.....

Yup! done that too.
but with only one egg

Thanks all for the hugs and good wishes​
Last time I dropped an egg I just opened the back door and called in the dog!

Today takes the cake though. DH and I had warmed up a can of chili on the stove for chili dogs. I didn't feel like cooking anything healthy tonight! lol
I set the nice, hot chili on the edge of the table and it took a nosedive over the edge!!! It went EVERYWHERE! The pot landed under the table and splattered on the white wall under there. Great like I wanna clean that up.
So we opened the back door and called the dogs in again! Hawk even licked the wall under the table for me

I don't know what I'd do without my cleanup crew! At least they can get under the table easy. I didn't have to move my fridge!
I have broken more eggs than one can count lol, before dogs, it was a gagging slimy mess I had a hard time handling.
Now though just open the door, the beast and his beastly miniture minions come flying in and do a good job cleaning up.

I must add when the beAst is in the mood for eggs, he will simply lick them off the stove unless you catch him then he sits and looks at you very patiently. The expression on his beautiful face is " um you forgot something this morning"!
DOGS!!! Now why didn't I think of them at the time.... I have 3!

They would have loved the treat, and I would have had an easier time cleaning up.


Anyway... I know better next time.

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