Soooooooo. I think it is a Buff Brahma? Possibly a rooster. Any help is appreciated.


6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
So this is Milly, or maybe we will have to change the name. I think it is a Buff Brahma. Big Pea kinda comb, feathered feat with 5 toes. Any help on if you think this is a rooster????? Or if I am wrong about the breed. thanks Jenn
Thanks everyone for your help, I was not completly sold on the Buff Brahma either, when I bought her or HE I should say, the feed store worker said "Ameraucana???" hahahhahahah I said " I don't think so". hahahahah He isn't crowing yet, and he is a funky kinda bird. We will have to wait and see if he will be nice to my Silkie Roosters or not. That will be a deciding factor of his future with us. thanks again, Jenn

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