Sorry if I am doing this wrong!! Still learning the site. Two questions. Chance of Cockerel and Prod


6 Years
Aug 29, 2013
Linn Creek, MO
I had my father order me some Rhode Island Reds. He was supposed to order me a straight run of 15. BUT he ordered pullets only and I got 16. What are my chances I manged to get a cockerel? Should I keep hoping? Second thing is. I ordered from a hatchery. From what I have read they are probably production reds. However the hatchery has them listed as "Heritage " Rhode Island Reds with a separate listing for production reds. The Rhodes are listed on their site as APA. And that they have been working on the line for 30 years. What is my chances they are actually Heritage? These chicks hatched Aug 6th. I have one that jumps up at and sometimes on the others. I am hoping for a rooster so bad im seeing rooster traits in a few lol.

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I think you have at least one cockeral. As far as a True RIR not sure but most hatchery birds are far from the pure and right type.
You just might have a rooster, give them a few more weeks to see. Unless you have my luck, and than you wont get a rooster because that is what you want
I had my father order me some Rhode Island Reds. He was supposed to order me a straight run of 15. BUT he ordered pullets only and I got 16. What are my chances I manged to get a cockerel? Should I keep hoping? Second thing is. I ordered from a hatchery. From what I have read they are probably production reds. However the hatchery has them listed as "Heritage " Rhode Island Reds with a separate listing for production reds. The Rhodes are listed on their site as APA. And that they have been working on the line for 30 years. What is my chances they are actually Heritage?

"Heritage" is a word that gets thrown around a lot. A Heritage line of a breed means that that the line of birds is trying to meet the standards and qualities originally seen in the breed.

Sometimes people say it is a heritage breed. That just means it is an old breed of chicken.

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