SOS HELP! Introducing ducks to chickens


Apr 13, 2021
I have a serious dilemma. Here’s the backstory 😂
I currently have 12 chickens in a coop and run with plenty of room for more. I am adopting 2 ducks from a friend, but temporarily watching all 5 for her (one is a drake).
We are planning on moving end of April early May.
I am taking the ducks because my friend is moving and can’t take them with her and she closes April 12.
I was originally going to build a new duck run but with us moving, I don’t see the point - other than the ducks safety.

With adequate room, would there be excessive fighting? If the drake has 4 females would he mess with the chickens? I’m in Colorado and the ground is cold and I do not have the desire to build the run, that would just have to come down when we move, unless it’s best for the ducks and chickens.

Also! In the new house, the ducks and chickens will be together in one large coop and run, but at that point I will only have her two females (and whatever other ducklings I purchase 😏)
So long as there is enough room, it should be okay. I would introduce the ducks slowly into the flock. Keep them in a smaller wire enclosure or cage for a few days in the coop to let them get used to each other, and then try having them all together. If there are no problems, you're set. If there are problems, put the ducks in the cage again and try again in a couple more days. This works with introducing new chickens to a flock, and it should work with ducks, too. My experience has been that chickens and ducks get along just fine. You wouldn't want a lone drake in with chickens, though.
So long as there is enough room, it should be okay. I would introduce the ducks slowly into the flock. Keep them in a smaller wire enclosure or cage for a few days in the coop to let them get used to each other, and then try having them all together. If there are no problems, you're set. If there are problems, put the ducks in the cage again and try again in a couple more days. This works with introducing new chickens to a flock, and it should work with ducks, too. My experience has been that chickens and ducks get along just fine. You wouldn't want a lone drake in with chickens, though.
Thank you so much!!! I don’t have a wire enclosure large enough for 5 full grown ducks so I thought about just letting them be in my yard together, or letting the chickens in the yard while the ducks explore the run and coop.
Thank you so much!!! I don’t have a wire enclosure large enough for 5 full grown ducks so I thought about just letting them be in my yard together, or letting the chickens in the yard while the ducks explore the run and coop.
That works if it's the only option. I'd have a back up plan just in case, though.
That works if it's the only option. I'd have a back up plan just in case, though.
I think that’s a great idea.
I know chickens instinctively go to roost at night and then I close the coop up so I’m hoping the drake will lead his girls to safety at bedtime. Unless I will be crawling through the chicken tunnel from the run to the coop to get them in for the night 😂
So long as there is enough room, it should be okay. I would introduce the ducks slowly into the flock. Keep them in a smaller wire enclosure or cage for a few days in the coop to let them get used to each other, and then try having them all together. If there are no problems, you're set. If there are problems, put the ducks in the cage again and try again in a couple more days. This works with introducing new chickens to a flock, and it should work with ducks, too. My experience has been that chickens and ducks get along just fine. You wouldn't want a lone drake in with chickens, though.
My ducks are going to be here soon and I’m wondering what the best option is for introducing them. Should I let the chickens out into the yard while the ducks explore the coop and run? Keep everyone in the coop and run? Everyone free to go anywhere??
First of all, a drake should not be kept with chicken hens. Do research before allowing chickens and ducks to live together. If a drake successfully mates with a chicken hen, he will make her bleed internally. This kills most hens, with only a few being able to live. I would suggest separating your drake from the others if possible, or totally separating the ducks and chickens-otherwise that would be animal abuse.
I noticed where you asked if the drake will not mess with chicken hens if he has enough duck hens. No, a drake will always go after whatever hens he has, no matter the species. Drakes are hormonal, they want to mate all females.
My ducks are going to be here soon and I’m wondering what the best option is for introducing them. Should I let the chickens out into the yard while the ducks explore the coop and run? Keep everyone in the coop and run? Everyone free to go anywhere??
The ducks will need time to settle down and figure out that the coop is home base, so I wouldn't let them out for a while. The best route is to keep them separate in the run for a while, so they can look but not touch. If that is not an option, then just keep an eye on them when they're put together, and be ready to step in if things go south.

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