Sour crop cures for chicks??


5 Years
Aug 19, 2014
I've noticed a very sour smell coming from the beaks of a couple of my 2 week old chicks. I've never experienced sour crop before because I am pretty new to the whole chicken thing so I don't know exactly what to do. Their crops are not big and do not feel full of stuff by are slightly squishy and feel basically empty. Their breath is horribly sour though. I believe they are all still eating and pooping so far. How do I help them?!
If their crops are empty then they are not eating. What feed do you have them on/other food and do you add anything to water? What does their poop look like?

The first thing you need to do is observe your chicks to see if they are in fact eating/drinking and pooping,then if they are not you can treat chicks. It is unusual for 2 week old chicks to have sour crop.
I have them on purina medicated starter, its my first time trying this brand. I've given them mashed up scrambled egg a couple times (I've done this previously with no problems). I use pine shavings as their bedding. I will isolate the ones I suspect have it and observe them more closely.
If you are positive that your chicks have sour crop,then you could try adding 1 Tablespoon of baking soda to 1 gallon of water,keep chicks on soft foods until cleared,it is also possible that it is fungal in nature,in this case an anti-fungal medication maybe needed.
Would plain yogurt help as well if it is sour crop? And what kind/where would I find the anti-fungal cream?
The chicks are eating but their breath still has the sour smell. I also find it weird that every time I go to feel their crop it feels empty but I have watched them eat food? Besides the smell of their breath they seem fine.
If you are positive that your chicks have sour crop,then you could try adding 1 Tablespoon of baking soda to 1 gallon of water,keep chicks on soft foods until cleared,it is also possible that it is fungal in nature,in this case an anti-fungal medication maybe needed.
Just reading this thread out of interest, as I lost two small chicks recently due to what I believe was sourcrop. ( I gave them antifungal medicine, but it didn´t help.) They were two of 7 chicks with the hen free-range. Their crops felt as if they were full of fluid, and they were lethergic and weak and, of course, eventually died. First one, then a couple of days after, the other. They didn´t want to eat or drink, but I did manage to give them some water with little ACV in it. didn´t help, of course.
Then I decided to chuck some builder´s sand in for the rest of them, just in case it was lack of grit. Their being free-range, I figure they must be able to find enough grit, but I did it just in case, and no more have got sick......

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