Sour crop support needed

Thanks, upthecreek. We let her range with her coopmates yesterday but brought her in last night. She left droppings overnight but her crop is huge still. She had applesauce this morning. We're at a loss as to what to do next.
Shut her up early one morning (no feed) and late that evening give her the wine(no feed) keep her in the cage over night(no Feed) and she should be ok next moring .

I caught her yesterday morning about 10:00 and did the wine. I could only get about 2cc's in her. This morning her crop was alot smaller. Do I still withhold feed due to not being completely empty. It does not feel squishy but firm. Do I try the wine again?

Thanks upthecreek. This does seem to work if only I can get it done right the first time!!
She has gone without food now for 36 hours and still when I turn her head dow she vomits. And her crop still is swollen, but I think it is from the water. I did add ACV to that today. WHen should I feed her?
I'm sorry (been gone all day) , yes i would do the wine again . Try to get 3 cc in her - being very careful(slow) put some in her mouth and then let her swallow and then repeat until you have given her all of it .
I sure hope it works . You might need to take up the water .
I would do this tonight then tommorow see how she's doing .

Thank you so much for the reply. As it is late that I got to get back to the computer to check. I will check her in the morning and remove the water and then try the wine again I guess later in the evening. I can't thank you enough for watching this.
I have removed the water as of 7:30 am and just checked her at 9:30 and she stil still a little squishy. I am worried that she has not had anyting to eat now for 48 hours. I will try the wine in a few hours to see if she is any beter tomorrow. If not I will be at a total loss. Her poop seems normal if only a little green tint to it and she is still pooping. She is very active and not very happy. The pecking is really getting bad. If anyone has any other ideas I am willing to try.

Thanks in advance to all that are able to help.
I have been following this thread with great interest. I have a speckled Sussex pullet with same issues and have been "doctoring" around for over a week now. I She is pretty much on a diet of yoghurt with added Acidophylus bacteria, vitamins and grit. I added garlic a few times hoping to get the infection under control. The sour smell of her vomit is gone, but her crop still keeps filling up. I'm considering the wine treatment, but am curious if there is more information as to why this should help. I also do worry whether the alcohol in thee wine might be toxic to the chicken.
Pampered Hen, we have tried the wine and it isn't toxic. It didn't work for our hen, though, and she's soon to be culled. Have you tried any molasses water? It acts as a laxative. Google it for more info. Good luck - we didn't have any with all we tried. Her problem was stretched out/pendulous crop and it's getting no better.
Pampered Hen, I certainly can't answer your question from a technical standpoint. In fact, I have wondered how this works, too. I had a hen with the problem and the alcohol worked a miracle for her. I am saddened to see other cases where it apparently has not worked or it didn't work because of some other issue. It seems that if you administer the wine while the crop is nearly empty and give it time to work...that would be several hours or potentially may do something for your hen. I looked at the issue from the standpoint of "what do I have to lose? Nothing else is working and how could this hurt." I'm glad that I tried it and I'm really glad that it worked. My hen has been problem free now for almost a week. I check her...and her "siblings" now every day to make certain that the crop feels normal. They are preparing to turn me in for animal abuse!
Hang in there.

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