Sour crop support needed

Ipana, that is great news!!!
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All of you are good chicken mamas! I'm sorry about Thyme. Sounds like she just couldn't get over her problem. Sometimes they just don't, no matter your very best efforts and hopes.
Well, Naomi has regressed a bit. Her crop was down this morning. She has had some baby food and applesauce today...4 small meals. Her crop is larger again. Maybe the Epsom salts didn't do the miracle that I had thought! I'll keep you posted.
I have been using the copper sulfate since Tuesday and I don't see any real changes but her crop stays the same day in and day out. No bigger no smaller. Her poop has been a little watery the last few days but I have been putting a couple of teaspoons of the water/mix in with her food as well as having the water available at all times. Yesterday I started giving her crumbles that was more soup than mash wusing the water to soften. I did talk with a vet tht had treated one of my other pullets with a leg problem and she told me that some birds just have these issues. I am at a crossroads as to what to do and how to proceed from here. She is so active and fiesty and acts normal in all ways that a chicken would. We have been trying to correct this problem since January 4th. Any other ideas that someone may have?

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