Sour crop?


Sep 6, 2020
Berkshire County, MA
Yesterday afternoon I noticed one of my chickens crop area looking sort of enlarged. She was acting totally fine and like herself, so I thought nothing of it and continued my day. She laid an egg this morning, and is still her happy, perky, normal self. The area still looked enlarged on her right side, so about 10 minutes ago I picked her up and pressed that area. It felt sort of squishy and moldable, she had to reaction to me pressing it. I don't know a lot about sour crop or impacted crop, but I'm not sure what else it could be. Could anyone help me out?
Check her crop first thing in the morning, before she has access to food or water, see if it's still full then or empty. It should be empty. If it's empty then, then she may just be eating a lot during the day and you are noticing it when it's full. If it is not empty first thing in the morning, then that would indicate something is going on.
These are good articles on crop issues, good info to have when trying to determine if there is a problem, and which it might be:
First thing in the morning, make sure her crop is flat. Check it before she has eaten or drank anything - their crops should empty completely overnight.
Impacted crop happens first - then, as the food sits in the crop and can’t go down, it ferments and turns sour.

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