Sour Crop!?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Indianola, Iowa
What do I do about a sour crop? My little cockeral looks like he's gagging all the time he's been doing it for like 5 days and I don't know what to do... help please!

Welcome to BYC!

Are you sure he has a sour crop? Does he leak fluid from his beak when you pick him up or lean him forward? The only real way to know if the crop is functioning properly is to feel it first thing in the morning. Crops can feel funky all day long. But they should be empty each morning.

I would check his crop first thing tomorrow morning, and if his crop is still full, then you can work him from there.

You can post this question in our emergency section for more help too...

Keep us posted tomorrow morning!
Just click on that blue link I included and that will take you right to the emergency section. Then "start a new thread" and post your question. :)

Keep us posted on the birds condition tomorrow!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2 on post in the Emergencies forum TwoCrows linked for you, good luck with your bird, hope he recovers.

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