Sourland in trouble

In trouble again -
. It's 'cellar trapping season', and I have already caught 6 deer mice. Placed # 6 in the kitchen garbage full well intending on taking the garbage right out - I didn't.
Princess went to throw something away, saw the mouse and threw a fit. It was just a little mistake.
In trouble again -
. It's 'cellar trapping season', and I have already caught 6 deer mice. Placed # 6 in the kitchen garbage full well intending on taking the garbage right out - I didn't.
Princess went to throw something away, saw the mouse and threw a fit. It was just a little mistake.
' Sourland go and get an organic mouse catch and disposal device, they are really cheap, and easy to maintain, they sometimes make a soothing noise when you apply pressure along the top if you stroke it from front to back, climb up and help keep your head warm at night. also they can protect you shins from rubbing against sharp objects by placing themselves near them when they know you will have the most difficult time in walking. and when they get hurt they tell you by saying me-ow....
We've had 2 'housecats. Both lived to be 20 + - no more cats in the house. Scaredy Cat our resident feral takes care of the outdoors and coops.

I suggested tanning the skins for a nice 'mouse jacket'. That was not well received. I sometimes question her fashion sense.
Really? She definitely missed an opportunity - I'd think it would keep you occupied and out of trouble for a good, long time. But when it came to the jacket, it should be for you, not her. Be a real trendsetter - the first in your neighborhood to wear a mouse skin jacket with extra-long sleeves . . . .
We've had 2 'housecats. Both lived to be 20 + - no more cats in the house. Scaredy Cat our resident feral takes care of the outdoors and coops.

I suggested tanning the skins for a nice 'mouse jacket'. That was not well received. I sometimes question her fashion sense.
May I suggest a black rat snake caught in the yard of a spring/summer and given pet store mice in the warm season and allow it to hunt in the cold, but bountiful winter season?
May I suggest a black rat snake caught in the yard of a spring/summer and given pet store mice in the warm season and allow it to hunt in the cold, but bountiful winter season?

At one time our cellarway was sort of aged and not in excellent condition (I can relate - especially recently.) It served as a wintering/hibernation abode for many garter snakes and several black snakes - we had no mice then. Addition to the house with an 'improved' cellar entrance, and the snakes moved elsewhere. You win some - you lose some.
I don't understand. We're making cookies, and I gave the Princess a pat and said, "Those aren't your best jeans." She asked, "Why?" I replied they make your butt look lumpy." She stopped talking to me.

In an attempt to lighten the air, I made an 'object' out of the pink cookie dough. She said, "Humph, one could only wish. You are disgusting!" I don't understand.

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