Sourland in trouble

Actually there is nothing wrong with the jeans - it was just a case of me being me. Sometimes I just can't help myself.

I will not comment on your last sentence.
Over nine months since I had to post here - I'm on a roll. Until today, that is. I am not allowed to climb the ladder alone. She has to supervise. Guess she is going to catch me if I fall. Today I decided to clean gutters since it is supposed to start raining this evening and continue for several days. She monitored my ascent to the roof and then went inside to work on her project. When I had cleaned all of the gutters, I dropped a spackle bucket of leaves, etc. on the deck to get her attention. She came flying out the back door, almost ran into the ladder and yelled at me. Why is she angry? I was only trying to get her attention.
Ya had to be there. While cleaning the cellar, I found a dead garter snake caught in an insect 'sticky trap'. (Felt bad about that.) Put the sticky trap and snake in the upstairs kitchen garbage - stickyside down. The Princess came back from Sonic with a strawberry milkshake for me.
They put this yucky fake whipped cream on top of the shake, and I was scraping it into the garbage. Princess was 'adjusting garbage' so that none got on the lid when inadvertantly the sticky trap attached to her hand. Sourland says, "Umm, you know there's a snake attached to your hand, right?" She called me a very bad name inappropriate for this forum, somehow flung the sticky trap off her hand and bolted into the dining room. Sourland went,
. She's mad at me now. Did I do something wrong?
You made me spit half of my drink on my laptop and almost wake up my parents with laughing. xDD
Over nine months since I had to post here - I'm on a roll.  Until today, that is.  I am not allowed to climb the ladder alone.  She has to supervise.  Guess she is going to catch me if I fall.  Today I decided to clean gutters since it is supposed to start raining this evening and continue for several days.  She monitored my ascent to the roof and then went inside to work on her project.  When I had cleaned all of the gutters, I dropped a spackle bucket of leaves, etc. on the deck to get her attention.  She came flying out the back door, almost ran into the ladder and yelled at me.  Why is she angry?  I was only trying to get her attention.  :idunno

Maybe now she has a laptop in need of cleaning, too?
Oh my Sour what are we going to do with you? How about tie you up to a post and let her shoot arrows at the apple on top of your head?
@sourland , much like my DH....I think he'd run a close race with you on this thread. LOL! This morning I asked him if a pair of dress pants were too tight on me and he said "Not really, but they would probably look better if you took off 50 lbs."

50 pounds!!!! Not 5 or 10; He said 50!!!
@sourland , much like my DH....I think he'd run a close race with you on this thread. LOL! This morning I asked him if a pair of dress pants were too tight on me and he said "Not really, but they would probably look better if you took off 50 lbs."

50 pounds!!!! Not 5 or 10; He said 50!!!

He's worse than me. I would never go THERE!

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