Sourland in trouble

Oh my gosh! This so reminded me of an Evan story!

When Evan was about 5, and he and Tam were still living with us, he was laying on the floor whining about his tummy.
“Evan,” I asked him. “Does it hurt or is it like you feel like you want to throw up?”
There was a pause, then a long, dramatic sigh.
“I think I’ll be alright, Gramma. I think I just have erectile dysfunction.”
I can’t remember what I said or did, I just remember laughing until I cried. But I remember him looking at me and telling me that if he didn’t get medical help in four hours he was gonna die.

Blooie, I read your story to DH yesterday and we've been laughing about it since. Old Art Linkletter had it say the darndest things!
So we are on round three (the final round I might add) of cooky making and a rock/Christmas songs starts playing. I grab the Princess and we start dancing. I say, "Hey, this is just like a Cialis moment." She shakes her head stops dancing and says, "Oh, Lord." Did I do something wrong?

My Dad's motto was to always stay in trouble. That way he always knew where he stood with my Mom
So the Princess takes me out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast most Sundays. Tastes particularly good when she is paying. I was on my last pancake - cutting it in pieces and arranging them in a circle. She asks, "What are you doing?" My reply, "They are gathering around a bon fire telling scary stories about the sky monster that comes down and snatches them up in its talons." She raised an eyebrow, I speared a piece of pancake with my fork, the remaining pancake pieces keened in terror. She looked at me, shook her head, and said, "You are truly weird."

Does that sound weird to you? I called my blood brother, Ken, and he said it didn't sound weird to him, but that he was probably the only one who would understand. Does anyone else understand?
I understand - being able to 'see things,' as a child keeps us young. I don't think you're weird about this at all. About other things - yah you are weird.
Um, I don't understand it at all. I mean, just because I like to partially open a soda straw and blow the empty wrapper at Ken, and just because I like to see how many green beans I can stack on top of my mashed potatoes before they disappear, and just because I like to make designs in the whipped cream on top of my piece of pie, and just because sometimes I will take a perfectly cooked strip of bacon and crumble it into my hash browns doesn't mean I can understand anyone who plays with their food. Nope, I don't understand you at all, Sour!!
Sour, my friend, don't you know you are supposed to act like an adult when your spouse is paying? If you embarrass her, she may not take you out any more. It's the kids you are supposed to embarrass, not the Princess.
Everything was fine until the remaining pieces of pancake started squealing in fear. That did attract the attention of some of the other diners. The kids have spent a lifetime being embarrassed by the Princess and me.

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