Sourland in trouble

9 months and I haven't been in trouble ? I think that I need to have a physical and get my testosterone level checked.
If you can go for 9 months without once getting into trouble, I say a check up is definitely called for. Medic!
I have this theory about gracefully aging. Everything that works, hurts while it's doing it. If you wake up in the morning and something ain't hurting, you'd best call a doctor 'cause whatever it is quit.

So get testosterone level check.....
I was at a friends and her many cats decided to have projectile diarrhea all over her one room house. She mopped up and instead of dumping the filthy water out side, YES, she poured in down the kitchen sink over dishes. I guess being subjected to all kinds of awful bacteria made her the strongest, healthiest person I had ever known. I decided I didn't want to be "that" healthy and never went back. Just thinking about it I can retch.

If she didn't want to go outside the "royal throne" would be the place to dump it. not much difference in poo, just what type of critter it came from
In the movie Babe, Farmer Hoggett's wife Esme remarks to her friend, "Oh, Dearie me, Velda. . . . I do worry about leaving that man alone. . . ..Still, he can't get up to too much mischief in 3 days." "Of course not," Velda says as she pats her reassuringly on the knee. If you've seen the movie, you know that Esme had good cause to be worried. I actually quoted this bit of dialog to BB2K as she and I were on our way to my folks' house yesterday, and told her, "I sometimes feel like that about your father. I never know what he'll get up to when I'm not here. Sometimes it's a good "something," but I know he'll get up to something, and I'm already cringing inside over what it'll be."

When we got back, Critter had a hole larger than my handprint burned in his shirt, and a quarter-sized hole burned in his jeans. He sheepishly confessed that he had been using a grinding wheel to remove something, and totally disregarding the sparks until they set both himself and the trailer that he was using as a stand on fire.

As he told me all this, I looked at BB2K and said, "Dearie me, Velda . . . ." Gotta give the kid credit, all she did was grin.

Note to self - check the after-Christmas sales for flannel shirts.
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