Sourland in trouble

Who - someone who cares about winning and not about the animals.
What - urine 'scorched' from sitting in dirty kennels and a nervous wreck.
Why - I felt sorry for him and saw the potential.
Where - at a field trial. I purchased him while he was running in second series. He got a 4th place that day.
When - 4 or 5 years ago

My initial goal was to defeat one of his previous owner's dogs. Did that within weeks of purchasing. Then my goal was to win a trial with him. 2 months after purchase he won 2 field trials defeating dogs owned by his previous owner. Then my goal was seeing that he made his championship. Mission accomplished. He is a psychological wreck. I really think he suffered heat stroke before I got him. He hates thunderstorms and used to be terrified of kennels at field trials. He is far from being the best I have ever owned, but he is my 'pet', and enjoys life more than most dogs that I know. It's just like he appreciates every moment now that he is with me. His picture is in my BYC 'interview'.
So we go to the nursery to get some more flowers, and this lady is watering the plants. I have a great idea and ask if I can have the hose. She curtly replies, "NO!". Do you think she knew what I had in mind or was it the Princess saying, "Don't do it. Don't do it."?
Nobody lets me have any fun. :(
Nobody lets me have any fun.

Now, where have I heard that before?:confused:

The hinged cover to the nest box area on my chicken coop doesn't weigh all that much, but I nearly dropped it on my own head when I opened the box the other day and poked my head in and found not one but 2 rat snakes in the nests. One, of course, was the Rat Patrol; the other was a bit smaller (about 4 feet long). Though I can be sure no rats will try to move in with them there, I promptly evicted them.:rolleyes: A couple of days later, BB2K was with me when I opened a door on a smaller coop that houses some Seramas. She immediately said, "Oh, there's a snake." It took me a couple more seconds to spot the snake coiled up in a dark corner; when I did, I sighed and said, "you know who that is." "The Rat Patrol," she said. "I want to hold him - is he, is it safe?" "Oh, yeah, we've done this a few times," I said, as I started unwinding the snake from the perches and handing him to her. He kept coming, and coming . . . "wow, that's a big animal," she said.

Looks like I need to do a bit more predator-proofing, if I can figure out how he's getting in there.:hmm
Well, I've stayed out of trouble for a bit, but it was inevitable even if it isn't my fault. I fell at the beagle club today - major face plant type of fall, but all that I injured was my dignity - that and perhaps my shins a bit, but nothing busted. When I got home I placed my jacket, vest, shirt and pants by the washer and asked the Princess if there was any possibility of getting them washed. Of course she had to know what happened that they had gotten so dirty - so I told her. Turns out that I 'can't be trusted' to not hurt myself and am no longer allowed to go out by myself. :lau Yeah, that isn't going to happen. Her reasoning why I can't be allowed to hurt myself, "You'd be a horrible patient". At this statement I laughed hysterically. She can't understand why. She is such a lucky woman. :love

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