Sourland in trouble

Well this thread has certianly evolved! We went from sticky snakes, to demonic dolls, to blowing up children, to MAKING children
Cuz all I did was post a vid on blowing up a 95 chevy van..... IDK who started talkin bout the nastys!lol altho, ever since basic I have always found myself a bit turned on by a big ole block of C-4 in my hands!
For some reason, I don't think I want to be around Sarge on the Fourth of July

Flashback! One Fourth of July a friend, Big Teddy, and his family came to visit. He brought fireworks he told me - quarter sticks of dynamite I think. He proceeded to set them off on the roof of his car. For every explosion there was a new dent in the roof. My wife can't understand how I attract such 'strange' friends.
Hey us Engineers r tons-o-funon the 4th! Just don't dare us to do something STUPID! Cuz we can't let a good dare go undone! Like roman candle tag! Or shootin a bottle rocket from yer butt crack..... yea we are just big dumb aminals folks!

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