Sourland in trouble

...I would imagine the the FBI has quite the file on
the Sourman.

He seems to know some pretty shady characters. Of
course, he met most of them hanging out here at the
the BYC. Not that I'm one of them shady people...

But's a safe bet that when you mention Sour,
Sarge and C-4 in the same thread, the FBI pays attention.

I think you may be right Spook! And since Spooks don't leave a shadow, you must not be a shady character!
But posting on any of Sour's threads may be suspect so .............


(This is gonna cost ya Sour!)
Wait! What did I do?
I don't know what you did.

But apparently the FBI is interested.

Don't worry about it. (Yet) We've got your back.
I'm sure we can come up with a believeable abili
for you.

Or at least bail money...

In case the police DO show up, you need some distance between
you and Em.

She has a bigger file than you do.

(Unless of course, the plan is too throw her to the wolf and hope the
wolf forgets about you.)
Hey guys its ok I've alredy been approached by the SS! I guess they didn't like my comments about our current leader! They get to u rather quickly when youshare employers.... oh well lol they can't catch me! Hey who's at the door?
Hey now, don't you drag ME into this. I get blamed for enough on my own! I have to keep a lawyer on retainer here! Do you realize how much Perry costs me?

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