Sourland in trouble

Took me a minute to 'ciper that message.

I was wondering why the Social Security (SS) was asking Sarge
about our "current leader". This is Sour's thead....

But I think Sarge has done went and made one of them there
"Political Statements".

I don't do political here, on acount of of I'm skeered of the moderators.
That, and the fact that it hurts my brain if I think too hard.
Ah Ha, he can be Rained in.
Yes I can't stand the doghouse and collapse. But when gaining epicly, the concequences may be just as epic! Epic win = Epic fail! At least I can fish.... I hope.....
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Yes I can't stand the doghouse and collapse. But when gaining epicly, the concequences may be just as epic! Epic win = Epic fail! At least I can fish.... I hope.....
Just do yourself a favor, Sarge. Don't go fishing in the moat around Em's castle! You really don't want to meet the beastly beasties in there . . .
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Just do yourself a favor, Sarge. Don't go fishing in the moat around Em's castle! You really don't want to meet the beastly beasties in there . . . :oops:

Maybe he'll listen to you. My sister and I tell him, watch what ya say.....
ha ha its hot in the dog house when you live in TX!!!!

C4 had an alternate meantin I do believe.
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