Sourland in trouble

Yup that's my baby Mia! She's my sidekick! My bestest bud! Wen daddys mad at the world she come up and just calms me right down..... funny its like she's got a rabbid pit bull on a toy poodle leash....SMH! Yup I'm fudged! X4!!!!
Spook keeping anyone in line is like a monkey running the zoo...
Did Spook say anything about keeping people in line?
You are so right, Rainey.

They is so sure enough crazy people here. Now, me and
you...we aren't the crazy ones.

But I need some help watching these folks. Glad you're here.

Ah, ha! I thought not. He's not trying to exert any kind of control. Maybe he's just getting lonely sitting in his corner?
Yup that's my baby Mia! She's my sidekick! My bestest bud! Wen daddys mad at the world she come up and just calms me right down..... funny its like she's got a rabbid pit bull on a toy poodle leash....SMH! Yup I'm fudged! X4!!!!
It's something that we teach 'em in the womb.
Sarge, I bet you understand why I wanted to get my BIL (who raised 2 girls) a T-shirt that read, "little girl's Daddy."
We have 4 beautiful girls and are truly blessed! Someone ask what happened because there is always one homily child, but not in ours. I learned a long time ago you can only keep yourself in line. Yep sarg is in trouble, our oldest will be 10 in 5 months. Oh how I'm not looking forward to this next age. I remember that stage....
We have 4 beautiful girls and are truly blessed! Someone ask what happened because there is always one homily child, but not in ours. I learned a long time ago you can only keep yourself in line. Yep sarg is in trouble, our oldest will be 10 in 5 months. Oh how I'm not looking forward to this next age. I remember that stage....
The "next age"! Remember that well. Only went through it with one. My best buddy truly hated me, and I didn't like her much, but we survived and all is well. I wished a daughter on her, "just like you.' She got lucky. My grand daughter has none of the 'Scott ' attitude. Thank you All That is Good.
Oh so it's normal, my husband and oldest are driving me bald!!!
ok men beware the toilet....always check for a fish before you go. FYI I would never put a non native fish in the toilet. Talk about an unwanted problem on the states.;)
Yup I can go to buffalo bayou and catch fish from the amazon! 5-7 footers! Good eatin too! Lol
Arapimas I think they are.... I know there are arawanas in there too!
Hubby and DS took the 49er out yesterday. It was their first time sailing it this year. For those who don't know, this is what a 49er looks like:

We have decided that this is the 49er's most stable position, one that the boat tries to assume most of the time. Seriously, without the 2-man crew on board to act as ballast, even with the sails down, the pressure of a light breeze on the mast is enough to make it try to lay over. If boats are "she's," the 49er is definitely a strong-willed woman! You have to fight and finesse the thing to get it to do anything you want.

Of course, this is what you want it to look like (in your dreams, maybe!)

(not my pics, found 'em online)

This was the first time my guys have had the boat out since the wreck late last summer. The lake where they sail it is rather shallow, and has quite a bit of underwater debris. In mid August, the guys had a spill where the boat pretty much flipped over, like this:

The mast or some of the lines got caught on a stump or something; nothing they could do would free it. A helpful guy in a motorboat stopped to render aid, but all they managed to do was break the mast (which then punched a couple of holes in the hull). With a thunderstorm and impending night moving in, DH had no choice but to cut away the mast and lines, and get a tow from the motorboat back to shore. He has spent all winter and quite a bit of $$ repairing the hull and replacing the lost bits.

He has also put a lot of thought into what to do to prevent a recurrence of the snag that resulted in the damage. Hobie makes a float that can be attached to the top of their catamarans' masts for this very purpose, but there is no way to connect one to the 49er. Hubby's solution? A swim noodle! (I gotta get a picture of that, I almost went with them so I could!)

The funny thing is, when Hubby went to attach the swim noodle, he said the boat wanted nothing to do with it. He tried to lay the boat over to get access to the top of the mast, and the boat wouldn't go! Even leaned over to the "point of no return," it still wanted to swing back upright. It was like the boat was saying, "I am an Olympic-class sailing vessel, I will not be demeaned with that, that THING! I will keep my mast tip 28 feet in the air where YOU CAN'T REACH IT!" Hubby won that battle, though; the boat's dignity was forced to endure the "training wheels."

Hubby reports that they had several opportunities to test it, and the float worked admirably. A few bruises, a few scratches, but Hubs and DS and the boat returned to shore with all parts still attached. All in all, a good day's sailing!
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