Sourland in trouble

dinahmoe, that's a beauty.  Don't think we have them up here in North NJ, but believe they are in the Pine barrens.

This thread started with a trapped snake and an unfortunate incident on the part of the Princess, went it's myriad directions, and is now back on track with snakes.  Life is good.  :celebrate

i have thoroughly enjoyed the trip.
We don't have those "Black Snakes" and "King Snakes" out here in the High Altitude desert in New Mexico. Mostly it's just "Diamondback Rattlesnakes"....although I do see an occasional "Garter Snake" and "Bull Snakes".

In fact, it seems that the BULL SNAKES in my Garden keep the Rattlesnakes AWAY......which is MUCH-APPRECIATED by me.

THE (Royal) Curmudgeon
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Theres a meat market here that sells rattler for $25/lb! So ig ya got 1 skin it and put that sucka on craigs list! Lol the owner said old timers have been buyin it for years and that they say it helps fight cancer.... idk bout all that but hey luv me some kabobs!
Bull snake? I've heard about them. Never really seen
one, but I think I could pick it right out.

Little horns, like a bull and it moos?

That's how I was told to recognize one. And the guy that
told me, why I know for a fact he was almost honest. He
wouldn't lie to me...
Sarge...How much does a rattler generally weigh? $25.00
a pound...I might invest in a rattlesnake farm.

Never in my life tried to skin a snake.

How do you butcher one? Got like little snake-steaks,
and roasts?
Sarge...How much does a rattler generally weigh? $25.00
a pound...I might invest in a rattlesnake farm.

Never in my life tried to skin a snake.

How do you butcher one? Got like little snake-steaks,
and roasts?

Skinnin' a RATTLESNAKE is a whole lot like skinnin' a BANKER......NOT EASY....but possible.
( If'n ya "chop-off" the "Business-End" FIRST. )

I don't MESS with either-one of them-thar "dangerous critters" !!!

THE (Royal) Curmudgeon
P.S. Bull Snakes LOOK a LOT LIKE Diamondback Rattlesnakes....but without the RATTLES.
Never seen one make any sound at all. Very Timid around People and Dogs.....but apparently AGGRESSIVE towards mice and rattlesnakes.
I don't know anything about bull snakes - but I know something about bull sharks... they can swim in freshwater. One made it to Indiana once...
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Seems like some folks is just shootin' the bull to me!
How dare you question the top minion...

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