Sourland in trouble

Hey, you're back! I missed this thread. I'm sitting under a blanket here with the heater on and I'm shivering. It's cold!!
Wanna swop?
Yesterday the fly strip struck once again. The Princess called me from the porch, "G come look at this, it's a phenomenon." Phenomenon went my mind? Went to take a look. A bird had gotten stuck in the fly strip, and in its struggles to free itself had covered the strip in feathers - sort of like a sticky boa. Somewhere there is a naked bird flying around my yard. Judging by the feathers it was a wren. Serves it right for kicking the bluebirds out of their house! 'Phenomenon'? Did she think that the fly strip had grown feathers?

Sumi, not sure about that trade. I hate the extremes of all weather, but I can generally put on enough clothing to stay warm; however, how much dare I take off before the neighbors alert the police?
No neighbours within sight here. One side is very inattentive and other side even more so. Forecast for tonight says 32*, daytime temperatures is nice though. Low 70's. I think you'll be o.k.

What's so attractive about your fly strips? In all the years we've used them, apart from flies and other bugs, we only caught a chick and a rasta.
We win!

Just got up an hour ago. Looks like it snowed last night. Everything, including one of my chickens, is covered in frost. My fingers are so cold I'm having difficulty typing.
Crazzy hot and humid here also. I've already provided fresh water to everything twice and am about to go out for the third 'refreshing'. Conditions are supposed to change after tomorrow and we should drop down into the 80's.
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Had to search for this thread...

Today my daughter and best friend were cold from swimming in the pool so they asked to get in the hot tub. I had taken off half of the cover when they got in. Apparently there was a snake hanging out in an overhanging bush and it dropped onto my daughter's arm. She said at first she thought it was her friend touching her arm, but it felt too wiggly... the snake swam underwater behind her back where she spotted it's little body. The two of them leapt out of the hot tub screaming all the while... I had to rescue the poor little guy who couldn't get up the slippery sides of the hot tub. They said they are never getting in that side of the hot tub again...

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