South Carolina

Fixing a little d'Uccle with splay legs. Bless its little heart and it hates the Coban that holds its legs closer together.
Thinking of venturing into the chicken biz, really for personal satisfaction and consumption. Have a great payhouse to convert. (See my other post). Before I begin to figure out aything I need to figure how much space to utilize and from my readings the type of chicken can determine the number capacity. All you S Carolina Folks in the Upstate ( I am in Greenville) which breed have you had the most success with or is this an irrelevant question.
I have an 8x8 playhouse platform with the swing set off to the side. I was going to enclose the upper area. Cut a hole in the floor to a run that will be created by installing chicken wire over the a frame area that branches off where the swings are/were. THis is about 8' long and 6' wide whcich does not include the 8x8 area directly nder the playhouse. Or do I leave the small exsiting structure on the platform and build exterior boxes. Where can you put the roosting areas? Inside and out?
Eager to move forward but want to have all my ducks (or chicks) in a row before I begin.
Note we have 3 children under 12 so we can eat our fair share of eggs.

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