South Carolina

Hey guys, I just found a breeder here close to me that ships you 100 mealworms for $2.75. He can also sell you a bredder kit ready to go including the mealworms for $20.00. I have to feed my son's dragon anyway and am thinking that this would be good for the girls to have in the winter....................I'm excited about meal worms..........get my straight jacket ready.
I bought 1,000 to breed at Chickenstock, but so far haven't done anything with them but give them food and the occasional piece of fruit. About 1/3 are now beetles which makes me even less interested in dealing with them. BLEH. I was spending too much on dried worms, so I'm going to have to get over it. Again, BLEH!
Us too! I can't even walk outside for 10 minutes without bug spray on, and even then I still get bitten
I've tried just about everything and nothing keeps me bite free either. I have two on my face right now because I won't rub it on there. :(

On a side note, I might be giving up on hatching. I can't hack it - too stressful. I might be more wound up this time than I was the first time! I was (kinda) joking in another thread that I need Xanax if I ever hatch again.
Today is 21 1/2 and nothing has pipped, zipped or hatched.
We are going to keep them in the incubator for another 24 hours but I have no hope at this point for any. UGH! Our first hatch went well....8 out of 12. 0 out of 22 is a little much to take.

Somethings got to give with this rain. From looking at the map I don't think it is.
Pickitfarm and KrisH, that is good advice! When we're starting on the coop I'll post and see if anyone can manage some local orp chicks or pullets. We hope to start building around January and I'm down in Manning, just a bit south towards the lake. Far enough out to not be in the city limits (town really LOL).

I had to laugh at the boat comment. Feeling very waterlogged!
[COLOR=800080]Today is 21 1/2 and nothing has pipped, zipped or hatched. [/COLOR] :(   [COLOR=800080]We are going to keep them in the incubator for another 24 hours but I have no hope at this point for any.  UGH!  Our first hatch went well....8 out of 12.  0 out of 22 is a little much to take.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]Somethings got to give with this rain.  From looking at the map I don't think it is.[/COLOR]
You too? My first hatch was great - 8 out of 12. This hatch only 4 out of 12, and only because I helped one out of the shell. Someone on another thread suggested the barometric pressure? I assume because I mentioned how jacked our weather has been. I have 3 eggs left in the bator and don't have the heart to pull the plug yet.

Edited to say I actually helped two. One I had to dribble warm water on and slide the membrane off its beak with a chopstick thru the vent hole. Another pipped upside down and I zipped for it.
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Hey guys, I just found a breeder here close to me that ships you 100 mealworms for $2.75. He can also sell you a bredder kit ready to go including the mealworms for $20.00. I have to feed my son's dragon anyway and am thinking that this would be good for the girls to have in the winter....................I'm excited about meal worms..........get my straight jacket ready.
Could you PM me his contact info?

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