South Carolina

Hi @RowanTheRed ! I'm new to the site and live in Greenville out near Furman, but I'll be moving to Travelers Rest with my husband in a few weeks. We finally get some elbow room! Once we are moved into our new house, we will start creating what I'm calling my tiny farm. LOL. We will be adding 5-6 chickens for pets and a few eggs, 2 ducks for pets and a few eggs, 2 goats for pets only, a small raised bed garden, and an area with fruit trees and berry bushes.The chickens are first as I need to ease into this new lifestyle.

I'm so glad I stumbled across this site. It has been so helpful already. I can't stop reading about and looking at all of the coop designs.

I see that you have many chicken breeds. Do you breed them all for chicks to sell? The Easter Eggers are definitely on my short list and a maybe a couple of your others. I am still a bit away from getting chicks though. I've got to get moved-in and build my coop and run, etc.
Welcome to BYC. As you can see, it's a great place to come for all sorts of information.

I do have many breeds. We do plan to breed to sell one day, however at this moment I don't have enough room to keep the breeds separate.

It's fairly easy to pick out which roo is the father though. If they have fuzzy cheeks then my Ameraucana is the proud papa, of not then it's my gorgeous English orpington! I do however incubate eggs from my girls for people from my, or sometimes the girls are adamant that they are going to hatch some. Either way, I generally have more chickens than I need!
Hello everyone! I am in Sumter. I raise and show Cochins. I have some other breeds as well. I have the bator cranked up and about 30 eggs will be going in today. I am anxious to start hatching! Spring is in the air!

are you selling any cochins?
I just looked at the page and she has golden comets, black lace silver Wyandotte, buff Orpington, Plymouth barred rock, black australorp and easter eggers available April 10. Also ducks.
Figures. I just ordered 3 EEs and a SLW from Meyers (day olds). However acquiring chickens before August would not be in my best interest as my SO and I are going on a 10 day cruise this July. So we won't be getting any pets before then.
I sell fertile svarthona eggs and am about to start selling serama eggs. i have silkies but only 2
so I will be getting more of these in the near future. In my “eating egg” pen i have 2 lavender orpingtons, 3 legbars, and 3 marans. The rooster is a lavender orpington.
I have a small incubator so let me know if you want chicks.

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