South Carolina

I will wave when you go by! That is where I am

I have no clue about lionhead rabbits.

Maybe someone will know ......
Ok Can I just say that it stinks to live in Gaffney right now. Don't get me wrong, I am so saddened by the loss of the two truckers and my heart feels for their family, but this traffic stinks. It (I-85) will be closed down for days. Yesterday, traffic was backed up almost to Spartanburg from what I understood, and where did it all go, through the town. Can you believe it. Then this morning on my way to work, EVERY overpass in Gaffney was closed down. I had to take frontage roads until I got to the first available overpass, then what did I have to do, Get on the interstate, I could not just go over to get to work. What makes it bad was, I had to go to the next exit and then backtrack to get to work. The pictures are horrible and again, I don't want to sound cold hearted. I guess I woke up so on the wrong side of the bed this morning, that I was actualy under it. Oh well, I am at work now and will have to fight it all again this afternoon. Yall have a gereat day.

PS> Moonchild- All my girls just love Elvis. He just styands there and they swoon over him. Thanks again.
Which end of town do you live on? Is there no way to go Hyatt St into town for that end? (or am I backwards thinking you are at the high school?) I know there is no way to get from school to the other end of the county near NC without crossing 85 somewhere. Not that I can think of anyway.

DH works right near that exit, fortunately was off work that night. He can go back way into work, all country roads, even though he usually goes hwy 11 to frontage road.

Looks like they would only have the entrance ramps blocked, so local traffic could still cross.
So glad I have nothing to do in Gaffney today!

I wonder how many are sitting in traffic on 85 trying to reprogram their GPS
I sure would get tired of one talking so much, especially if the exit was closed and all it said was U-Turn, U-Turn.
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how old is your Pum pum..?

my Mee Beep was hatched on april 11th makes him 6 weeks old today. He is the dirtiest bird ever this little guy could get dirty in a bathtub.. do you have a problem with keeping Pum Pum white? he's already had a bath once, hes also not very big.. I say boy ? I am going by his top crest and what others say about the spiky is roo and rounded is pullet?

but then again I guesse i am comparing him to my older flock all bourn around st pattys day. making them 9 weeks and a couple days. for some reason they all are much biger than my second little flock.. that Mee Beep is in.

the only difference i can find inthe two groups is it was cold for the first flock and I kept the light on 24 hrs a day and they ate all night.. the second little flock of 1 polish, 2 EE's and 6 waynedottes its was hot at night so no light at night. ? must be the difference?
love to hear about your little polish


Yancy! How adorable!! Not the breed for me but absolutely too cute! Great name, too. I hope "she" turns out to be everything you wanted in a fun chicken!
Does it still look like a she to you? This is a breed I know nothing about. But, oh, that face!
Just wanted to show you how great my little EE's and polish are doing.. no one else got sick yeah.... their getting to be big kids hahah..
Uncle Daddy and Sookie

uncle Daddy taking a nap soo cute. hes funny when held he imediatly goes to sleep. must be that he feels safe.

Sookie is quickly turning out to be my special little girl... so spoiled.. but she is soo sweet and comes when shes called loves to perch on my shoulder.. really turning out to be my favorite.

thanks for selling them to me .. and if you have any extra girls let me know. I think that Uncle Daddy is really going to come into his own and need more than one Hen.. Im really excited to see what he turns out to be... I think he is going to be beautiful.

thanks again )O(
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Your Polish and Yancy's Polish are hatch mates. They certainly look like differnet sexes though so you must have a boy and I suppose Yancy has a girl. He was so hoping for a girl and the crest info was news to me so I let him tell me which one he wanted to take. He was wanting that a girl and may actually have one.

And yes, you are right about the light. When they have light 24/7 then they eat 24/7 but when they have no light at night they can't/won't eat so they miss all that food during the night.
I have a 40 wt flourescent light on in the brooder room now all night. Not for heat, of course but they all scream when it is dark and I know they don't eat so I let them have light and grow bigger!

I moved all my big ducklings out to the new run. Yes! I still have about 14 that go in and out but in another 2 weeks I will be able to add them to the Saxony, Muscovy (Yes, I have more! Debra gifted me with 2 more beauties!), Runners, Pekin and Cayuga. They love the pool and the tall grass but not the new coop. It took DH and I to get them all in last night and they hated it! Spoiled rotten creatures! I guess they want a night light.
And then this morning when I opened the pop door they would not come out. I called and called but then had to go in and push them out.

And wonderfully enough, I got a new screen door and put it up! Another YES! So now the chicks stay in the brooder room.
But no, the new brooder still is not in the duck stall. <sigh> Maybe one day this week. I suppose I need to pace myself. Yeah, that's it, I'll pace myself and not over do it in this heat.

Wait, I need to be painting.... lunch is over so out I go.

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