South Carolina

They look so happy, Pink! And yes, they are growing soooo fast! I can't believe how Me Beep is looking! Those Polish are so funny! I love looking at them but do not want to own any, hence the free bird. I hatched them, it was fun but you all can let me see photos and I am happy.

I will probably have a few extra Olive Eggers or EEs later this summer to sell. I meant to mark the OEs so I could tell who was supposed to be what but never did so no guarantee on what they will lay. I just want them to grow up before I sell them so I know I am selling girls and they will be big and strong for their new homes.
The chicks I got from Purely Poultry a few weeks ago started exhibiting problems and DH started squirting human liquid vitamins on their food. They sure perked up and have been looking good.

We have come to the conclusion that we will always have to add very good vitamins to the starter to get them to stay healthy and happy. The older birds do fine but the chicks want to fade sometimes so with niacin/A-D-E in the water and liquid Centrum, maybe we can make up for the lack of vitamins in the grain. Once outside I think they get plenty of good stuff from grass, bugs and soil.

You can ask Kimberly, it was mayhem with all the chicks outside! There were probably 50-75 little chicks running all over the palce because I could not keep them in the brooder room. I would love to leave them out but hawks, crows and other bad critters may snatch them up. Jolie has to sleep sometime and that is when they are so vulnerable. Another great reason to add a second dog. (Did I just say that?
Just me peeking on here again. I have 6 easter egger kids for sale. If you want them and I end up in SC any time soon I can drop them off at Nadine's place LOL.....They are currently 6 weeks old. Pretty sure they are girls, 4 are DEFINITE girls, 2 are iffy. Selling them for $7 each or all 6 for $35. If only the 4 are girls I would take $25 for the 4 girls if it was in the next couple weeks. After that, price would go up.
Hey Amy, check this out.


when I didn't have to compete against Judy Gantt herself, I did okay. LOL.

I am going to try to pin down whether I can get the Lionhead doe from Chesnee and if so, will let you know when I'll be out that way.

BTW, are you interested in a splash mottled rooster? I know you are weird about splash and blues but everyone LOVED him at the last show (he was in my sale cages).





Actually, those are the easter eggers there too in the other cage.
Yup, bring him on. I can use him in the Calico breeding pen.

OMG! She did terrific! Good for you! I am so tickled for you!

I wish I had known you wanted Lionheads last weekend. I went down to the rabbit/cavy show in Columbia Sat. and brought back 3 New Zealands for Kimberly and her family. Along with 3 more cavies (Guinea Pigs) for me! Errrrr....for DD. Uh huh, that's right.

There were 2 Lionheads in the raffle. I can't say about quality, though.

I can go on my Southern Pride Club forum and ask about Lionheads if you would like for me to. That is how we found the NZ for Kimberly.
Oh, you know me! I just slapped that sucker up there. It doesn't fit so wonderfully and I now realize Daddy must have had as bad a time with doors as I do. Goodness knows he doesn't seem to help me much when I am placing them on the coops! LOL Maybe I am just not listening closely enough but at least the screen door works and I am so happy with it.
I just turned every single bird I have in my laying pen that is over 4 months old outside... So that is about 20 running around in the yard along with 6 ducks.....

Guess I won't be barefoot in the backyard today!

One of DH's buddies dropped off his bobcat/CAT, whatever that thing is called, Saturday evening. We weren't even home! Luckily he came by where we were and let us know it was here. DH won't try to use it, but the guy is coming one day this week to move some trees and level me a nice spot off for my silkie pens to go.

DH & I went to visit a long time family friend & I was gifted a black silkie roo, and a quad (1 roo & 3 hens) of Silver Spangled Hamburgs
So far, we have gotten 4 eggs from them!
Those ladies lay early!

While there, I checked out his OEG set up, which is basically like gjensen's set up in the pics up there, only smaller! That is what DH wants to build for my if I can just figure out how to get AC in there so I can be cool when outside

We may get it built by the end of summer!

I have been semi-busy this morning. Allergy meds knocked me out from 5a til almost 10! Have moved some more chicks from basement brooder to one of the small tractor pen thingys outside.

Still have to clean duck pools

Definately am not doing too much until after 6p when it cools down!

Oh and I hatched 7 button quail, lost two before they made it out of the bottom part of the shell, and another sometime after I have 4 buttons!
I have no clue what I am going to do with these tiny things!

And, I hatched a pretty silkie........DD helped it, and even wet, it was a pretty color of silvery blue! Will have to try to get pictures later today!
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Mr Mottled is very offended that you called him a she

Here he is on a brighter day.

I had planned on keeping this splash mottled guy. He has a perfect comb and all his toes AND toenails, not to mention decent type (he is young).....I got them in March, I bought them a month prior....I would guess he is about 6 months old now? Bet he is a stunner after his first molt. I'll trade you for a nice mottled girl! LOL

Speaking of mottled is the blue girl I got from you (on the right) broody with another black mottled hen (not yours).


Another one of the black mottled girls I got from you (with Mr Mottled dancing for her)

And the other black mottled girl I got from you (in the middle) with her broody sisters.

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