South Carolina

Amy - that's hilarious! My last phone had a terrible accident also, somehow it flew across the room and right into a wall. Cost me since I had to buy another one but the stupid thing is supposed to be a "smart" phone and it was very stupid.

Glad you finally got your brooder into the barn. I'm sure you had it filled up in a minute. Now you need about a dozen more.
Up at daylight and I finish up at about 9:30 at night now. I come in to eat and drink and use the restroom but I am on the go constantly. Still do not get as much done as I would like. I had way more time when I worked full time than I do now. And we still haven't put in our garden. But I am sure a certain someone is waiting for me to get the tiller going so he can take over and play for a while. Ha! Ha! to him! I ain't doing it this year!

I am so tired of not getting to finish until late at night no matter how much I think I have done.

On a good note (notice I always try to be happy about something!) I painted my 2 duck coop crates and have one ready for the roof. I could do so much more if a certain someone would stop killing the lawnmower!
It is hard to struggle through deep grass.
For those of you coming to visit this weekend, sorry in advance. It looks like crap. Since I haven't a phone and Fed Ex has yet to deliver it I can't call a friend that does lawn maintenance.

Now out for more feeding and watering.
Buckle up everyone, tonight storms are rolling in!
Aha, I'm not the only person that needs to chant "Do not throw the phone!"

On the animals count, people look at me like I'm insane when I say I have "about 90 adults". The chicks have an annoying habit of finding ways to die, so they are considered an unofficial count. This morning I found one one-month old chick dead and another taking it's last breath. They stick their heads through the wire and then get puppy-piled. I guess if your hatchmates stand on you long enough, you run out of air. At least these were "my" eggs from my flock chickies.

My last hatch was zero percent. Can't get any worse, right? Don't even want to think about it.

The kittens are busy tearing up the house. Oldest Child's calico "Hikari" came up to me covered in cobwebs. Apparently the webs "bothered" her whiskers. Hikari allowed The Boy Child to pull them off. She had been dusting under the china cabinet again. Then later Chicken Hugger was rolling on the foyer carpet with all three kitties. She was being chewed, clawed, and licked. And loved every second of it!

I've told the kids "Take care of your kitten first, then help with the others." This works until someone screams "Stop playing with MY kitten!" Dearest Hubby and The Boy Child weaned the kittens while the girls and I were away this past weekend. The kittens are still telling me I should hold a bottle for them. They eat Kitten Chow wet and dry, drink water from a bowl, and eat wet canned food. They are not starving. They got chicken feathers this week. They've been "killing birds" ever since. Pushing the empty tissue box is also a joy. Their toy box is filling up with mice, balls, and chew toys (not just for puppies! Sharp, needle, baby teeth!).

It's time to do the chicken chores and try to accomplish something in the garden. Ttfn.
Ok........Guess what I have now? A Mulberry tree. Found it down towards the creek bank! Woot!

So many trees have been taken down on this lil acre. On the farm there are a lot of trees down from the last storm that went through, but since all are in the woods towards the creek there, we have no worries with those. Nothing to fall on down there LOL

I can say Joy & Amy both beat me on animals......

Ours are easy to care for. DH gets off work in AM, goes to feed goats & horses & some of the chickens. In the mornings here, I check everyone's water and get eggs. I do it again in the afternoon if it is hot. Around 7pm since the time change I go out again for feeding, more eggs & water. Although DD feeds rabbits, dogs, and waters everything

It is definitely a family thing for us. I will be sending some of my laying flock to the farm in a few months just keeping some here I think. My silkies, cochins, marans & sebrights will stay here.

ETA: My schedule is slightly different in winter, and varies daily depending on appointments etc....
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Oh boy do I try! I've had black snakes eat my peafowl eggs just days before they were due to hatch. So right now I have 5 peafowl eggs under a broody hen in a safe broody box and I have some peafowl eggs in the incubator. Fingers crossed I have peachicks. I did hatch 3 peachicks last year but had no luck keeping them alive. Trying the broody hen approach this year and hoping for better luck. I will sell a few if I have any, I really just need to keep a few hens for myself. I have 3 peacocks and only 2 hens.
Oh boy do I try! I've had black snakes eat my peafowl eggs just days before they were due to hatch. So right now I have 5 peafowl eggs under a broody hen in a safe broody box and I have some peafowl eggs in the incubator. Fingers crossed I have peachicks. I did hatch 3 peachicks last year but had no luck keeping them alive. Trying the broody hen approach this year and hoping for better luck. I will sell a few if I have any, I really just need to keep a few hens for myself. I have 3 peacocks and only 2 hens.

Well, If you have any luck with them pls let me know. I most def want one (boy or girl)!!! Nikki
Oh boy do I try! I've had black snakes eat my peafowl eggs just days before they were due to hatch. So right now I have 5 peafowl eggs under a broody hen in a safe broody box and I have some peafowl eggs in the incubator. Fingers crossed I have peachicks. I did hatch 3 peachicks last year but had no luck keeping them alive. Trying the broody hen approach this year and hoping for better luck. I will sell a few if I have any, I really just need to keep a few hens for myself. I have 3 peacocks and only 2 hens.

Well, If you have any luck with them pls let me know. I most def want one (boy or girl)!!! Nikki

Will do!
Everyone in the path of these storms........keep an ear open and stay safe!

Getting hit hard with wind, thunder, lightning & rain......dunno about hail, and I am not going to look

My dog wants to
it is so bad. And she weighs about 65lbs.

ETA: Power just blinked when I was posting this........hold on to your drawers everyone!
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