South Carolina

That sounds about right.
Peachicks are kind of fragile so it's easier to buy a one year old or older bird. They are prone to getting nabbed by owls at night if allowed to free range because they prefer to perch on the highest point around. Usually this is the barn or the house and that puts them right out in the open for predators. They moult in the fall, dropping all of those beautiful, long feathers and regrow brand new ones adding another foot to their train every year. My biggest one has about a 10' train right now and he is very beautiful. I've been told they can be kind of loud although I haven't really ever noticed that.
They also like to perch on top of cars.

Is it true peacocks are mean? That's the biggest reason my hubby said no! He said they all attack your ankles!
It sure didn't look like Joy's were mean.

And we have had them on the horse farms where I worked years ago and none ever bothered us. They stayed mostly in the well fenced pastures but people told me they would sleep in the trees or on the barn roof.
I love to hear them call out! They sound so majestic.
Surely if peacocks were mean we would have seen it on America's Funniest Videos by now? I don't even watch it much, but I've seen plenty of goose and swan attacks on there -- my husband and I are always sitting on our couch saying "Don't get any closer... Walk away..." but the people on TV never listen...
To anyone who is trying to call me today, I am sorry. You won't reach me. I dropped (okay, slammed) my phone and have another one on the way to replace it but for now I do not have service until I get the new one. It should be here today but FedEx will probably have to call me and I don't have a phone to answer.

On the bright side, I got tired of waiting on DH to help me (as per usual!) and took the door off the coop and the doors off the big brooder and got that sucker in!
It took a bit of, I mean trying but it is in and full of chicks. However, my brooder room does not look very empty. Geez! How many more do I need to move out??? I think there is still about 150 in there plus 12 ducklings at night and a bunch of gorgeous LF Cochin roo chicks that run around outside during the day.
Everything that was in the 6' metal tank has jumped out except about 4 but the shipment of chicks due will fill it back up.
Well I thought about asking for a peacock for my birthday in July but probably not a good idea. It will probably annoy my neighbors or husband one. I live in an actual neighborhood. Haha. I have about an acre of my own and my husband is almost done with coop. Yah!!!! It's pure luck I am getting away with chickens,

Do you guys have family members who think you are weird or crazy? My mom Said she is "embarrassed" because people talk about me having too many animals to her when I'm not around. It is frustrating. I want to tell people to mind their own business! My husband and I have 3 small dogs, 2 cats, a couple fish tanks, a dozen rodents, and then a flock of birds.
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I only have a sister left on this earth and she has always thought I was animal crazy. When my parents and brother were alive they did think I was a bit off and thought me quite mad to move to the country. We had horses back then and my parents just did not understand why I did not move to a nice neighborhood and buy a decent house.
Humph! I would not want to live anywhere else and I still do not think I have enough land. Believe it or not, I am not a people person. I would be happy with only my animals. There is a reason why they say I can talk the ears off a mule....I am more suited to the mule's company!

My chickens used to have ears. I talked them right off!

Yup, I am strange and weird but my many pets do not mind.

And sugar, you do not have nearly enough animals! I have close to 700 chickens and ducks, one horse, one dog, 3 house cats, 3 caged cats down at the barn plus about 12 barn cats and kittens. I have the 5000 meal worms turning into beetles in the house and we allow the DD to have Guinea Pigs for breeding and showing. I think her count after the show last weekend was about 72 with 2 pregnant girls.
Oh and a Betta fish to help fertilize the house plants.

Yup, you need more animals!
I'm convinced that I was switched at birth!!! My whole family thinks I'm a loony bird, they just don't get it. Just like Amy said, I'm not a people person - I enjoy being by myself with my animals. Cannot imagine walking into an empty house without my cats and dogs to greet me. All those people that think you have too many animals, just bring them over to my house one time and they'll think you're doing just fine.
I have 600+ chickens (I don't count them anymore), ducks, geese, peafowl, pheasants, quail, dogs, cats, rabbits, turtles, fish and a whole room full of canaries, finches, doves etc. I could go on but I won't....don't want all of you to know exactly how crazy I really am.

Oh my gosh - I forgot all about the goats! I have 2 goats also.
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Is it true peacocks are mean? That's the biggest reason my hubby said no! He said they all attack your ankles!

I've never had an aggressive peacock. They are very sweet and docile. Mine live in a yard with chickens, guineas and pheasants and I've never had any issues. Here's a link to a video I made last year of my peacock "Percy" and you can see my 6 year old son standing right with him.

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