South Carolina

mine too! I tried to talk him into a couple more chickens today and he said noooo! I'll talk him into it eventually

A true chicken addict does NOT ask her husband's permission.
And I can say that as I just placed an order for 30 more layer hens, coming in 3 weeks.

You are so right, Joy!
DH said the other day I may need to think about parting with some of mine but only because I am still building breeding pens. He loves the free ranging birds but hates to see any in pens. He understand the concept of purebred birds but he would also love to see them all free ranging and enjoying life. I try to make my penned birds have a good life and some are allowed to free range in the evenings once my big, bad sterile Orp roo starts gathering the flock to coop for the night. That gives them about an hour in the evenings but all they do is follow me around or go pick on the other penned birds. I really do not feel too sorry for them.

Anyhoooo, I also have another chick order coming in from Strombergs this week. I hope to keep more from this order. At least until they are 6 months old.
I swear, this is my last order of the year!

However, I rearranged some breeding birds and will start setting eggs again soon. But they are only the itty bitty MF Cohins. And no, I am not calling them anything bad. Never thought about it, Dick, until you said it. And still did not get it until Julie(?) said something about it! Shows how slow I am or am just not used to that phrase. Been out of school too long, I suppose. AND I don't watch movies much. I think that is the last time I heard it.
If I don't ask permission my husband will bring home a 180 gallon saltwater tank. There are consequences...

I seriously need to break my heart soon and cut down on some roosters I think. I am willing to give mine away to anyone who wants them, but I'd quarantine them first. Mine have all had cocci. Such a big turn off to people.
. I will need to rehome one silver Phoenix chick and one ee I think may be a male. And in the future there could be more depending on who crows the nosiest!
mine too! I tried to talk him into a couple more chickens today and he said noooo! I'll talk him into it eventually

A true chicken addict does NOT ask her husband's permission.
And I can say that as I just placed an order for 30 more layer hens, coming in 3 weeks.

So true! And we hope he doesn't notice new ones! We are on the hunt for something killing my babies. Got two of my lav silkies. Climbed the screened door and squeezed in the opening above it which was just a few inches. Tore off the heads. Ate one pretty good but left the body. I'm so upset! I thought they were safe. What would it be? Coon?
Oh, I know I want peacocks.
However, they are a lot of commitment that I am not able to make right now. Totally beautiful and awesome and exciting to watch but I do not have a large covered pen and am not willing to see them on my house or car. And certainly I don't want them killed because they love to fly up into trees and sleep.
One day though..........
If the asking permission goes both ways that would be different I guess. I've come home to find 4 wheelers and jet skis "hidden" in the yard so .... chickens don't cost nearly that much. Also the farm is my business (we have outgrown hobby status) so I make the decisions. DH had his business and did the same with it. But I have to say that I do love saltwater tanks. I've always wanted one.
A true chicken addict does NOT ask her husband's permission.
And I can say that as I just placed an order for 30 more layer hens, coming in 3 weeks.

So true! And we hope he doesn't notice new ones! We are on the hunt for something killing my babies. Got two of my lav silkies. Climbed the screened door and squeezed in the opening above it which was just a few inches. Tore off the heads. Ate one pretty good but left the body. I'm so upset! I thought they were safe. What would it be? Coon?

Nah, I've already told him so he knows to get busy building me another coop.
So sorry about your babies. It could be coons, weasles, mink or even skunks. Also big snakes will kill bantams even though they can't eat them so if you have cracks in the coop you might keep that in mind.

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